Greetings fellow adventurers...
After many years away from these troubled lands we have returned and oh the chaos that we find makes us long for vengeance.
Thought I would introduce myself now that my husband and I are back playing GW after many years. We started playing in the year of release and played for a few years through the Factions and Nightfall releases and into some Eye of the North content. We stopped playing with the mass exodus of players to GW2 (we assume anyway). Upon coming back I find I was part of some great hack and so I have lost so much stuff I could cry (my husband thinks I am particularly sore because they left my Mesmer naked!). We decided to start a couple of new characters to go from Pre-Sear through to help get us back into the game and how to play, of course, we are occasionally hopping back to some of our higher-level characters but we are seriously out of practice and Res Shrine gankage makes me particularly moody We were always more about the casual gaming and having fun, while we want to do elite stuff and HM we don't want to be over-serious about it all, especially as I have now been diagnosed with a neurological illness. I do miss the player base though and our friends and allies but I am happy to be playing again. Now to try and get some bloody funds my poor characters I forgot how expensive the game world is to look good
My older most loved characters who I hope to be back to soon...
Darke Alice Arienne Incognita Raevyn Pendaris