Hey There i am Looking for a Dedicated Miniatur Yeti or Zippy.
Send in some offers if youd like to.
Have a nice day Guys.
Hey There i am Looking for a Dedicated Miniatur Yeti or Zippy.
Send in some offers if youd like to.
Have a nice day Guys.
Q8: C/O 150e Green Rabbit
Polar Bear: 60a Green Rabbit
I reserve the right to not sell the item.
Heal is sold thanks for offers!
Death is still up for Sale.
a bit Low there is a guy in Kamadan buying any bds for 3a, But thanks for your offer Mate!
Hey There I am Selling my First Items Here:
1x BDS Q9 Death
1X BDS Q11 Heal
I am not Sure what to Write about it, so just ask if you have Questions.