Wonder where this one drops? I'd like to wield one.
Maybe same area where you can find a Gothic Defender?
Wonder where this one drops? I'd like to wield one.
Maybe same area where you can find a Gothic Defender?
Korean, I'd watch some Korean dramas then.
What would you prefer to meet in real life,
a Lvl 0 Skale Tad
a Lvl 0 Aloe Seed
The poster above should be given a one year free "all you can eat" offer at the nearest cookie bar. (Hopefully they serve more than cookies).
The poster above me stopped using abbreviations for the poster above me.
The poster above would surely gotten a visit from me long time ago if I had the chance. But I send you many virtual hugs. What's happening this week? PM me
Skiing, I never tried snowmobiling so I can't compare.
White or Black? (Purely colors, no context what so ever)
As far as I know, this is no longer possible. The minimal requirement to get to mainland from Shing Jea Monastery would be:
1. Complete Minister Cho's Estate
2. Follow storyline to Seitung Harbor
3. Get a direct run from Seitung -> Zen Daijun, bypassing quests.
4. Complete Zen Daijun mission
5. Ferry over to mainland.
I tried my best to bypass some of theese, for example to create a single profession Canthan character. The lowest level I got off the island was level 5 I believe.
The poster above me deserves a stereo typical hug.
No, because I I'm not gonna buy a payed subscription to be able to watch it (althought I guess I could use VPN and watch it online somewhere).
Sports or Sweets ?
Platypus, because I love ducks and this is the closest one too it
Vanquish Asuran territory, or Vanguard territory?
The poster above doesn't know the appearance of Lexx.
Space Pirates .. particulary if they fly a ship named Serenity.
Dinosaurs or Aliens?
Just before Factions was released.
A time before conveniences such as heroes, mercs, material storage, xunlai panes, ...
Fish sticks
Chicken wings?
Could you provide a bit more details? From Monastery, I assume that you haven't done any of the missions yet?
In such case a "run" would take approx. 50 minutes and include the completion of 3 missions as it's the only way to get you off the island.
With this info and a bit more details, it might be easier to negotiate a price.
The poster above noticed my Asura, but can you guess which Asura?
The poster above have the cutest avatar
The poster above me should play with me
I'd be interested in seeing some viable Stolen Speed builds. It doesn't have to be optimal, just fun to play. However, not sure on what team to build around that skill.
I guess it would shine with Meteor Shower at 2.5s, Meteor/Deep freeze/Lightning Hammer/Rodgort's Invocation/Spirit Rift/Barbs/ at 1s.
That's neat, but how do you wield that tiny tiny sword and shield then?
Meet some of the Quest NPCs from Kim-Jong Province
Brother Pe Wan as Brother Pee Wee, Panaku as Pancake, Zho as Zoe,
Soar Honorclaw as Sour Honeyclaw, and Lo Sha as Loo Shawalker.
The trader above me need money for Zaishen keys?
Join us in
Shing Jea - Asia - Traditional Chinese
District 1. We're also hosting
District 2, delaying the ingredients just long enough so you can
jump district after and get more gifts
Click here and check the counter at the top of page for when the next event starts.
a fat wallet
Still hot.. then a hot dog, as hot cat ain't my thing.
Meat or vegetables?
The poster above me komplans aboot me gramar
Kong, using 2,500,000
The poster above posted five times more than me.
stolen by Donkey
. Meanwhile on Earth
The poster above me is cosy