The power above me have top clearance to a spy network camoflauged as cookie bars.
Posts by Lexx
water melon or potato chips?
The poster above me is ████ because █████, and whenever ███████ then ██████ and ███████ and even perhaps ██████████. :cool: [font="sans-serif"][[/font][font="sans-serif"]The following message has been classi[/font][font="sans-serif"]fied, p[/font][font="sans-serif"]lease type in your clearance code to unlock[/font][font="sans-serif"]] [[/font][font="Courier New"]******[/font][font="sans-serif"]][/font]
Live on Mars, or on the moon?
already sold to
The poster above me wins an entire year of free cookies
Japan or 日本 (⁂ Nippon )?
zombie pie apocalypse
The poster above prefer phone booth over top class ships.
into pure gold !
one BIG meal is probably more healthy for your teeth, but perhaps less for your body (and mood).
Fries or potato wedges?
The poster above me is invited for a tour on my timeship, USS Relativity.
US Gov... oh right we couldn't use that one!
Asgardia - First space nation.
the poster above me might just be the poster below me. (Would love to help you out Cosyfiep)
pan fried sounds good.
Japanese or Chinese food?
1964 1/2 mustang (or a bicycle, anything that get me there)
A Guild Wars Prequel 0.5 (back to Pawala Joko's time),
A Guild Wars Sequel 1.5 (before the time period of GW2). -
The above poster remember me /tear.
(Gosh I miss everything GW, and the fun we had together in game, Cosyfiep) -
(wow been a while this topic were active) -
It's an old idea I had, never got to try it before the guikd I was in decided to merge-die another guild.
Basically just tried to think of an opposite challenge, to try die instead of survive-----
It should work in theory, and quite dramatic as everyone starts to Infuse eachother. Eventually energy will run low and you might have to try Blood Renewal instead. Which conveniently also gives others energy to Infuse you again.
Skills are not set, but best skills would be saccing and appropriate counter skills. Fun part is that you will hate all the skills you'd normally love. Except Blood Renewal of course. Could throw in rez skill perhaps to extend it. Or Healing Ring.-----
ALTERNATE version.
Just use minor saccing skills, all heals are either touch or pbaoe, then you have to run from healers. Would only work if players have to stay within a limited range. -
Depressed necro-monks mini-game,
Who is the first to go saccing yourself to death? Played with allies. Try it in an outpost like Unwaking Waters with up to 16 players.[Blood Ritual] - Your main tool to finish yourself off. Sadly it also gives others more energy to heal you.
[Infuse Health] - Healing others, and possibly your second way to finish yourself off.
[Blood Renewal] - If low on energy, this is your second choice to go. But once you stop you heal yourself up.
[Healing Breeze] - Costly but will effectively heal up others
[Release Enchantment] - Counter any healing breeze and upkeep skills, healing others in return.
[Life Attunement] - To further boost health of your fellow necro monks.
[Blessed Aura] - Extend duration of Healing Breeze on your competing allies.Who will be the last one standing?
All skills have countermeasures, to "spitefully" heal up your allies better. -
There's a fish in that tree.
(Now that we're all talking nonsense, it's perfectly normal with tree dwelling fishes) -
The poster above only wants to play with Emma!
Marty McFly is accidentally sent back in time until 1955 in a custom built Delorian. Things gets worse as time traveling dwarves steal the flux capacitor escaping back in time through a wardrobe. Marty McFly manage to follow them through time trying to retrive the flux capacitor. In meantime the crazy Dr Brown manage to create an unstable fuel using radioactive potatoes producing 1.21 gigawatts, trying to locate Marty McFly stuck in time.
How about: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Waterworld ?
A crossover movie is when you mix two (or more) movies into one, often from unrelated stories and universes.
This game is simple:1. Take two famous movies mentioned by previous poster, try write a short story what kind of movie it would be.
2. Mention another two (famous) movies for the next poster.Here's a list of some famous movies, feel free to pick from this list or make your own choice.
- Harry Potter
- Iron Man 3
- Alice in Wonderland
- Jurassic Park
- Transformers
- Minions
- Lord of the Rings
- The Dark Knight
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Shrek
- Finding Dory
- Spider-Man
- The Lion King
- Titanic
I'll start with Avatar and Star Wars.
How would a crossover between them look like? -
That's not all, that's the beginning of.. I dare not say it.
like cosyfiep heaven
cookie bar appeared
something unexpected happened!
(ignore this post, wasn't going to post it, just test the build code lol. Which doesn't seem to work)
Cigarettes, if I can stomp on them.
[hr] -
. In meantime across
to Himalaya under
Kilroy .. because Rurik is a Killjoy.
Cookie diet
Cake diet