Meat or vegetables?
Meat or vegetables?
Dwayna in her
Colossar Scimitar? Hm, I like Fellblade.
PvE or PvP ?
oatmeal cookie.. can I have more than one cookie?
Extra character slot, or extra xunlai slot?
Maybe call the category for Tactics instead of Builds.
Too easy to create a dozen of sub forums where most will remain empty, like:
Maybe start a vote/discussion thread and see what people are mostly interested in, and best ideas to keep it limited to maybe to PvE/PvP, and perhaps 2 subforums each.
Yes, a big thank you for saving posts of dear old GWG.
Found my old topic where I organized a Play Through Prophecies.
I was Bristlebane back then.
A dedicated forum for discussing professions, I suggest that one is retired.
No posts, and I'm not sure how much more we could discuss professions after 11 years of Guild Wars.
An alternative idea would be a "Skill-of-the-day", or a "Skill-of-the-week".
For each period, day or week, a skill-topic is started where people can post all their ideas, theory crafts, builds, basically anything that's allowed and within topic. After a set period of time, the topic is locked. Possibly several skills open for dicussion at a time for various professions.
Either way it's surely more interesting than discussing professions
Since the forum is within "Builds" section, I guess it should follow suit. So perhaps a "Build Wars" forum where people try to come up with clever builds based on strange skill combinations set by the mods
That could actually work lol
Well, unless I'm running two or more clients..
Yes, maybe a bit redtyle needed, hard to see the feature
I think I missed every Harry Potter movie myself. Should I watch them, or better spend that time online in GW?
With risk of making this sound like Facebook, maybe a like button would be nice.
It's for the times when you want to show some feedback but don't want to post a "me too" that doesn't really add to the conversation.
Would have been great if we could watch all the Star Trek episodes together, in particular the orginal series, and the next generation
nananananananananananananananana ba..... no wait, Iron man
Rich and miserable bastard
Poor and blissfully happy
Good or Evil ?
FoW or UW ?
10 unid minor runes, or 10 unid sup runes?
Snow (Definite not the choice you want both of, rain and snow, eww)
Lightning or thunder?
Pocket watch, going well with steam punk.
Red or blue?
Valentine's Day.. (just make it less commercial)
Shiro, or Undead Lich Lord ?
There... Are... Four... Lights!
Master Togu (because we had to get Prince Rurik killed twice to get him to shut up)
New "Skill-of-the-day" discussion forum on Legacy
New "Skill-of-the-week" discussion on Legacy, for longer arguments
Leonard Nimoy
(Ohhhh, you're right. Sounded a bit naughty, didn't it?)!
The poster above should play with me every day
space sickness
the poster above should play with me every week
The poster above is also the poster below (and sorry for my away time!)'t even say it. Legacy, now that's smooth as butter,
Gwen or Norgu ?
Cosyfiep or peifysoC ?
Elite Kurzick
Asian or European food?
GW1.5 (hoping a successor that does everything right from GW1)
The poster above should join us playing this or that
Istan or Sunspear armor?
At the very least, post time less than 24 hours could also reflect that. "Posted 23 hours and 55 minutes ago."
as I am that mod, thanks. And we (I) wont penalize someone for bumping 5 minutes early--never have and never will.
And now everyone will take advantage of your forgiving nature and regulary bump 5 minutes early
I think mods could appreciate it too. If a mod have to penalize someone for posting 5 minutes too early, they follow rules and still might look like a douce (no offense mods, not your fault!)
Considering something Emma told in another suggestion, an alternative solution to accidently bumping a thread too early,
would be not being able to bump it at all.
I bumped my wts thread 1h early yesterday because of this. Since I am 1h later then the times on the forum I guess. Would make mistakes like mine a thing from the past
Possible solutions (only for the trade forums):
Option 1. Don't allow a user to submit, if last post was made by same user within 24 hours.
Option 2. A "bump" button that's disabled for 24 hours after last use.
Option 3. An automatic bump feature (which stops automatically after next reply, or after # of bumps). (i.e. "bump my thread for 5 times"). This could be the trickiest solution, and maybe not good if *everyone* who posts also choose to bump.
Technically I heard it's because Trump was picked winner, even though he can't possibly be amongst the winners.
Always those computer glitches.. (mods, feel free to delete this post!)
or perhaps this