Posts by friendly fire
appreciate the interest, but all items from this post are sold or merched
Hello, want to sell all of the below ( dont comment on the paint skills :C )
B1: C/O 2a Amazon Of Melandru
B2: C/O 16aSOLDB3: C/O 10aSOLDS1:
R1: C/O 1a YOLO
R2: C/O 2a m4sc0tte
A1: C/O 1a The_Countess
W1: C/O 2a m4sc0tte
DV swords:
Plat: C/O 15a Forty Second RogueSOLDLong: C/O 1a GezraSOLDFellblade: C/O 11a Motoko
X6: C/O 5a Mango
X7: C/O 1a fitz
Staves (also plenty q9 10%hct ones if any1 wants it):
V1: C/O 2a Mango
V2: C/O 2a Mango
V3: C/O 15a Atraxa Praetors Voi
V4: C/O 5a Sadist Illusionist
V5: C/O 2a Mango
V6: C/O 2a Mango
V7: C/O 3a Sadist Illusionist
V8: C/O 2a Mango
V9: C/O 2a Mango
Turtles 13a
WTB any amount of balth flames 1e / gold 3eAlso looking for a q9 tac demon shield, 42-45hp ench ( kappa, echo, gurdian of the hunt)
bump, ending tommorow, any not bidded items will be deleted
Hello, selling all of the below up to 05.03, highest offer wins, after that deleting, no r/b no b/o. GL
Reinforced Bucklers:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q11 Tac -2 ench +10 ogre 364 2 Q13 Tac +10 fire +30 HP 404 3 Q12 Tac +45 stance -2 stance 288 4 Q11 Tac +10 demon -2 ench 256 5 Q10 Tac +10 ogre -2 ench 224 6 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 demon 332 7 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 cold 408 2a 8 Q11 Tac +10 demon +44 HP ench 412 Bladed shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q13 Str +10 earth -2 ench 220 2 Q11 Tac Air magic +1 20% +30 HP 220 2a 3 Q13 Str -2 ench +10 lightning 380 4 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 dragon 216 Iridescent Aegis:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q12 Str +10 blunt -2 ench 220 2 Q12 Str +10 plants +30 HP 252 3 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 fire 316 2a Spiked targes:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q9 Str +45 HP ench +10 fire 268 2 Q13 Tac -2 ench +10 pierce 260 3 Q9 Tac +10 cold +45 HP ench 296 4 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 earth 224 Skeleton shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q11 Tac -2 ench +10 slashing 216 2 Q9 Tac +10 plants -2 ench 364 3 Q10 Tac Earth magic +1 19% +30 HP 208 4 Q12 Tac +10 plants -2 ench 208 5 Q12 Tac +45 stance -2 stance 212 Gothic Defenders:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q13 Str -2 ench +10 cold 248 Ornate shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q9 Tac +10 ogres +30 HP 364 Defenders:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q12 Str -2 ench +10 demon 220 2 Q10 Str +10 dragon -2 ench 224 3 Q12 Str +10 ogres -2 ench 280 4 Q9 Str +10 dragon -2 ench 288 5 Q9 Str Dom +1 19% +45 HP ench 212 Bronze shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q13 Str +45 HP ench -2 ench 304 2 Q13 Str -2 ench +45 HP ench 352 3 Q12 Tac Dom +1 19% +45 HP ench 436 4 Q12 Tac +10 demon -2 ench 392 5 Q13 Str -2 ench +45 HP ench 228 6 Q13 Tac +10 earth -2 ench 252 Tall shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q9 Tac +30 HP Blood +1 20% 260 10e 2 Q13 Tac -2 ench +10 pierce 392 3 Q10 Tac Curses +1 19% +30 HP 388 4 Q12 Tac -2 ench +45 HP ench 404 5 Q11 Tac -2 ench +10 slashing 292 6 Q13 Tac +10 earth -2 ench 260 7 Q10 Tac -2 ench +10 lightning 220 8 Q13 Tac -2 ench +10 ogres 320 9 Q11 Tac +10 cold +30 HP 220 Aegis:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q10 Tac -2 ench +10 plants 284 2 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 blunt 236 3 Q12 Tac +45 HP ench -2 ench 216 4 Q9 Tac +10 ogres +45 HP ench 224 5 Q13 Tac +45 HP ench +10 earth 280 6 Q13 Tac +44 HP ench +10 demon 228 7 Q12 Tac +10 cold +45 HP ench 284 Shield of the wing:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 cold 220 2a 2 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 dragon 208 3 Q9 Tac +10 dragon -2 ench 324 Ornate Buckler:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q13 Tac +45 HP ench -2 ench 388 2 Q9 Tac +45 HP ench -2 ench 240 3 Q12 Tac +44 HP ench +10 demon 336 4 Q13 Tac -2 stance +45 stance 204 5 Q10 Tac +45 stance -2 stance 212 6 Q10 Tac +30 HP +1 divine 19% 280 Round shields:
ID Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 ogre 204 2 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 dragon 216 3 Q13 Tac -2 ench +10 cold 256 4 Q9 Tac -2 ench +10 dragon 212 5 Q9 Tac +45 stance -2 stance 220 6 Q13 Tac -2 ench +10 slash 224 7 Q13 Tac +10 blunt -2 ench 216 8 Q10 Tac +10 plant -2 ench 212 9 Q13 Tac +10 ogre -2 ench 208 10 Q12 Tac +10 cold +30 HP 248 11 Q11 Tac Inspi +1 19% +30 HP 216 12 Q12 Tac -2 ench +10 ogre 296 13 Q11 Tac -2 ench +10 demon 272 14 Q10 Tac -2 ench +10 plant 232 15 Q10 Tac -2 ench +10 cold 308 Wands:
ID Skin Q Mod 1 Mod 2 Gold value Current Offer 1 Voltaic wand Q11 ES Half recharge earth 20% +5 ene ench 208 2 Voltaic wand Q9 ES Half recharge fire 20% +5 ene ench 308 3 Deadly cesta Q10 Death Half cast death 20% Half recharge death 20% 252 BO staves:
ID Q Mod Gold value Current Offer 1 Q11 Air 20% half cast Air 408 2 Q12 Death 20% half cast Death 308 3 Q12 Blood 20% half cast Blood 236 4 Q10 Divine 20% half cast Divine 316 50e 5 Q12 Death 20% half cast Death 260 6 Q13 Channeling 20% half cast Channel 204 7 Q11 Spawning 20% half cast Spawning 268 8 Q11 Spawning 20% half cast Spawning 376 9 Q11 Death 20% half cast Death 264 10 Q10 Water 20% half cast Water 248 11 Q13 Death 20% half cast Death 208 12 Q13 Divine 20% half cast Prot 208 13 Q13 Smite 10% half cast 344 14 Q12 Smite 10% half cast 232 15 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 260 16 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 220 17 Q11 Smite 10% half cast 320 18 Q12 Smite 10% half cast 364 19 Q10 Smite 10% half cast 288 20 Q11 Smite 10% half cast 312 21 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 252 22 Q10 Smite 10% half cast 224 23 Q11 Smite 10% half cast 224 24 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 224 25 Q11 Smite 10% half cast 360 26 Q10 Smite 10% half cast 220 27 Q12 Smite 10% half cast 304 28 Q12 Smite 10% half cast 220 29 Q12 Smite 10% half cast 208 30 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 232 31 Q10 Smite 10% half cast 336 32 Q9 Smite 10% half cast 224