Posts by YOLO
disease: 2a
DV 1h:
flamberge: 8a
long sword: 2a
DV 2h:
platinum: 2a
q9 +5e:
Pending Delivery
800a nik
I'm looking to buy this shield, any q
outcast shield +45we +10 vs demons
last bump^^
bump selling shields soon last chance to get them
ty offers
bump with a new beauty
last bump, contact me in-game or via pm here to get your items
Lio crazy Saber drink_soy_sauce Deesse Mage AquaPipe PyroLobster
ty for bids
I'll start selling all items with a bid 48hr from now and 48hr after any new bid FOR ITEMS THAT CURRENTLY HAVE A BID
will remove all items without offers in few days
10a chaos
Rb vabbian flatbow
7a chaos
5a chaos axe
150e vabbian flatbow
Bo chaos axe dv