Hey guys!
Recently came back, and i found this. Its old, and 8req blood..
However it is blue, so i have no idea if its worth anything.. or merch food. But on the chance thats its worth something I did not want to dump it.
Hey guys!
Recently came back, and i found this. Its old, and 8req blood..
However it is blue, so i have no idea if its worth anything.. or merch food. But on the chance thats its worth something I did not want to dump it.
Thanks for the offers guys! I will be closing out soon.
Bump - meme fellblade?
Returning player looking to see a pretty little fell blade! -- The Best part its a sexy 69 sword!
Hey everyone, recently returning player.
I saw people talking about oldschool items. Looking for a price check on this.
Max 8req fellblade. ( i can change the mods if it will make it more valueable)
thanks guys!