Posts by Adinay

    Just beat factions (Kurzick side). By FAR the biggest hurdle was mastery of Eternal Grove. Now I need to complete Luxon maps, quests and the Luxon only mission. Will then farm more Kurzick to get up to 5 second “Save Yourselves!”.

    After that I’m thinking I will try to farm enough XP for Legendary Survivor while capping all Prophecies & Factions skills.

    Then we go to Elona. As soon as I start unlocking hero’s I plan to begin leveling iron alts to use as mercenary hero’s.

    I’ll add some screenshots with my next update.

    Awesome, congrats man! You're going to have to share with me what build you used and where to farm the mats. In a few months once I have all campaigns complete, this is going to be my next grind.

    Hello everyone. New to the site and returning to the game after ~15 years away. I’m also on a fresh account so I felt would be a great opportunity to try something different. When I played originally I did not get any further than just beating each of the campaigns on normal. This time, I’m looking to do it ALL, Ironman style.

    I decided to roll warrior. For my first 100 hours I picked up LDOA (Ironman style this was quite time consuming), and then proceeded to beat prophecies. I complete every quest, every mission bonus, and explore all maps along the way. Interestingly, I got 100% tyria map explored before even mapping the last mission zone! This leads me to believe there is something like 101-103% available map, quite a bit of room for error really. I’m happy I was able to do this without any tools/addons.

    I also finished up elite gladiators, just before moving onto Cantha.

    My next goals are to work through the Factions story and zones and farm up enough faction (planning to start with Kurzick) for "Save Yourselves!". I know some Ironman accounts do not allow use of any PVE skills. I plan to allow it because I feel like not allowing it limits the game experience.

    Below are a few screenshots & my ruleset. I plan to make multiple Ironman characters and use them for each other's hero mercenaries instead of using heros, once I have heros unlocked. I will probably bring all of them through LDOA as well. I'm thinking Ranger next. Let me know if anyone wants to join!

    PS: I am in Baklawa's Iron Man Guild if anyone wants to join us