NF Vanquishing, Spearmarshal & Lightbringer done. FINALLY a change of scenery. I don't plan on coming back to NF for anything other than maybe to farm some Tormented weapons. Setting sail to Cantha to do HM missions, Vanquishing, and get from rank 4 -> 5 Kurzick.
Still planning on saving HM on my favorite continent for last; core Tyria and then EOTN.
I need to take the time to learn how all the Zaishen challenges and rewards work, I feel like I should be doing those. Open to suggestions - this is my first character back to the game in 15 years.
May take a break before next title update to farm some better skins and/or min-max heros too, although they are pretty well geared at this point just by popping every chest along the way.
Here's the build I've been using for basically all of HM.