Posts by koden

    Hi all,

    I've just came back to GW1 after quite some time away. I am looking to complete a few titles and get a few more status in my HoM. So I'm looking to sell a few stuff so I can maybe get the 4 tormented weapons I am missing.

    Here is what I've found in my safe along with some minis (even though I know they are not worth much anymore):

    - Green: Gwen, Mox (x3), Bone Dragon (x2)

    - Gold: Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh (x2), Rurik (x2), Adalbern (x3), Flame Djinn (x2), Dagnar (x3)

    With all of this, anyone think I get get 4 armbraces to finish my collection?

    Thank you!