Posts by scarlettestace
I can do this. dunno the pricing for it though
21a shield 6
ign: scarlet test ace
Shield 3 and 4: 4a
16a shield 6
Shield 1 1a
Shield 2 4a
Shield 3 3a
Shield 4 3a
Shield 5 2a
Shield 6 7a
Shield 7 6a
20e on the goldleaf
1a on the saurian
to start
Got a bunch of 8/16 tactics but could use more skin variety.
Happy Wintersday!
Is this still something you are looking for? Gonna be pushing to max my kur title soon
13a tall boy
1a just to s/b
lmk b/o if you had one in mind
11a ad and tall
4a still on reinforced
7a tall
4a reinforced
Title. any skin. req 7/15 (don't think they drop in 7/16?) and req 8 (16 ar only)
Req 8/16 command shields (no need for 7/15)
IGN: scarlet test ace i'm not on daily so messaging here is best
Starting some pve again and was wondering what the best team builds for Dervish would be. Still the same merc esurge builds? Was thinking of using the 7_Hero_Paneptitude build on wiki with I guess the Pious build on my char or a VoS build?
Also what would be the most effective 6 and 4 man teams for a dervish? Don't really wanna end up falling back to a standard caller AP/Eton skill build but it seems like its the most effective a lot of the times
Req 9 shadow bow
dmg +15% enchant
20/20 armor pen
Is there an updated guide for mini pets both ded and unded? Tried searching for one and could only find a super old one
I got one if you are still looking
ign: scarlet test ace
6a each on the q8 commands