Sold to you Meteora Im in game now if able to trade
Posts by Silly Ol Me
Sold to ya Skymeier
Thanks to all for fast trades
Will keep this open until 12/30/24 and then close on 12/31/24 with the assumption that whatever remains is trash
Skymeier: Marognite Tonic is yours however the Balthazar tonic sold earlier
MrMekas: 4e each all elite tomes, 41 discoballs 1k each
BooBoo: 30A kuuna, 5A varesh, 60e Kuuna EL
Cottura9Minuti: 50A Ceratadon
Skymeier: Aptitude Cores 5e, Aptitude Iscr. 10e
Broetchen: 50A Dedicated Destroyer
Twerk: 10E EL Miku
Bathazars Minion: 1e each wintergreen weapon/shield
Mr. Clean(-Value): Asura 100e, Gray giant 200e
Hate Core: Summoning stones 50e, Deldeimor remnants 50e
I will be lurking in game today in Kamadan District 3 IGN: Pak Mu El
Clearing up my alts and realized I've become a major pack rat over the years
As they say, "One woman's trash is another's treasure." So my bad habit is now your lucky treasure hunt (I hope). I've tried my best to organize things together. Happy bidding
*Please note that all counts are individual item counts unless otherwise noted as a stack count.*
Zhu Hanuku, Shiro X3, Black Beast of Arrgh X2, Lich X4, Prince Rurik X2, Water Djinn, White Rabbit
Dagnar Stoneplate X4, Flame Djinn X2, Mad King Thorn, M.O.X., Eye of Janthir, Celestial Snake
Destroyer of the FleshSOLD 50A,CeratadonSOLD 50A, White Rabbit, Eye of Janthir, Gwen, Black Moa Chick,KuunavangSOLD 30A,VareshSOLD 5A, World-Famous Racing Beetle,AsuraSOLD 100E,Gray GiantSOLD 200EEL Tonics
Avatar of BalthazarSOLD 10E,Gelatinous OozeSOLD 10E,MargoniteSOLD 5E, Keiran Thackeray, Miku X2 (sold1 @10E),KuunavangSOLD 60EWintergreen Weapons
Wintergreen Wand, Wintergreen Shield, Wintergreen AxeSOLD 1E eachWeapon Mods
Focus Core Fortitude (+30) X2,
Focus Core Aptitude X2SOLD 5E eachWand Wrapping of Memory X2
Sword Pommel Enchanting (20%), Sword Pommel Demonslaying (20%), Sword Pommel Charrslaying (20%), Sword Pommel Fortitude (+30)
Staff Wrapping of Giantslaying (20% VS Giants)
Axe Grip of Demonslaying (20% vs Demons)
Sundering Sword Hilt (+20% / 20%)
Strength and Honor (15/50)
Aptitude not AttitudeSOLD 10EMaster of My Domain +1 (20%)
Tomes (E= Elite, N-Normal) SOLD All Elites 4E each Normals 1E each
Ranger X18E X39N, Mesmer X22E X44NDervish X8E X20N, Warrior X14E X62NNecromancer X20E X26N, Elementalist X17E X10NParagon X11E X17N, Monk X18E X17NAssassin X6E X220N, Ritualist X1NSummoning Stones SOLD 50E
Celestial X102, Mercantile X106, Mysterious X98, Arctic X13Gelatinous X8, Chitnous X8, Frosty X5, Zaishen X5, Fossilized X4, Mischievous X2Odds & Ends
Keg of Hunters Ale X4, Hard Apple Cider X2 stacks, Spiked Eggnog X1 stack, Eggnog X1 stackSOLD 9EDisco Balls X41SOLD 1K each,Party Beacon X10SOLD 2E each, Crate of Fireworks X73Deldrimor Armor Remnants X4SOLD 50E,Primeval Armor Remnant X2SOLD