1. 800a kalhaharja
2. 102a purely
3. 110a mango
4. 30a cute
5. -
6. 75a monk from above
7. 12a Mr Clean
8. 800a unrealz
1. 800a kalhaharja
2. 102a purely
3. 110a mango
4. 30a cute
5. -
6. 75a monk from above
7. 12a Mr Clean
8. 800a unrealz
1. 775a garagas
2. 75a cute
3. 110a mango
4. 30a cute
5. -
6. 75a monk from above
7. 10a mango
8. 555a unrealz
Hi, returning player, a few days ago made this same thread in pc section.
I reserve the right to not sell for any reasons. Thanks and happy bidding!
s/b items 1 & 8: 100 armbraces.
s/b all others: 10 armbraces.
Edit: hornbow 3 is a dragon hornbow https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hornbow_(dragon)
1. 800a kalhaharja
2. 102a purely
3. 110a mango
4. 30a cute
5. -
6. 75a monk from above
7. 12a Mr Clean
8. 800a unrealz
thanks all for your opinions! If anyone has more info about halo axe would be appreciated.
Thanks all, a few PM received
Also I thought the number 5 was max damage r5 and according to wiki is not, so I guess is garbage.
Last bump for more opinions!