Posts by Gabyyy
Thanks for the bid Athala
Could contact Avenged for the shadow, still trying to contact EthelWulfX96 and Nooice , you can add me Gozu Skillz / Kimimaro La Tueuse
Thanks to Nooice EthelWulfX96 Avenged i added you ingame
My ign: Gozu Skillz / Kimimaro La Tueuse
Thanks -
Hey everyone,
Thanks for your bidding, will sell shadow shield to Avenged c/o 75a in a couple hours if no other offers
Plagueborne to EthelWulfX96 c/o 4a if no other offers next 24hrs
Gloom to Nooice c/o 4a if no other offers next 24hrs
thank you
Hello everyone,
thank you for your bids, I will sell shadow shield vs undead to highest current offer ( Unrealz) if no other bids for the next 24hours, will reset if new highest offer
have a great day
I would like PC on those please :
Shield of the wing (gold) q8 tact AL15 inscr
Gloom Shield q9str -5(20) +10undead
Shadow shield q9str +45st +10undead
Ornate shield q9tact -2st +44st
Round shield q9tact -2st +30
plagueborn shield q9str -5(20) +10dragons
bladed shield q10tact -5(20) +10dragons
Spiked targe q9tact -5(20) +10dragons
I also have a bunch of q7/15 blue tactic shields, whats the current price for these ?
***mod edit---do NOT add items to a price check thread--new items require a NEW thread (remember you must wait for 24 hours from your last post in this thread before you can make a new thread!!!), also do NOT bump your thread early, you must wait 24 hours between posts in your own thread (ANY post you make in your own thread is a bump)---early bump deleted, thread closed---mod edit***
would like a pc on these please :Gloom shield q9 str
+10 vs Undead.Ornate shield q9 tact
-2 stance
+44 stance.Shadow shield q9 str
+45 stance
+10 vs UndeadEmblazoned defender q10 str
+10 vs Demons.Thanks
I'm looking to those shields, in blue, purple or gold.
Pm me what you have
Thank you
Hello ,
Auction ends in 13 hours from now, highest bidder will get the item, item that didn't reach r/b will be kept.
Nice day
Added R/bs, auction will end in 2 days : March 2nd 7.30pm gmt+1
S/b 300e
R/b -- 2000e
B/o -- Later
S/b 50e
R/b -- 650e
B/o -- Later
S/b 50e
R/b -- 200e
B/o -- Later
Thanks !
Gz to Pleikki on Skel, I sold Eternal too, this is the end of the auction.
Thank you !