15a q7 Crenellated
Posts by pequeno
You guys like Swamp Clubs. I can tell.
But there is some silliness going on here that's a little off target.
One item is not a collection.
Owning a hammer, no matter the skin, doesn't put you in the most elite club in GW; wearing one particular cape does.
This is the finest collection of the rarest hammers in the game, presented to you from the vaults of [PhD].
In those vaults these relics are protected and preserved, unmarred by amateurish customization, for everyone to appreciate.
Perfection, each and every one.
Truly remarkable my friend
Bump. Sold Ironwing, added 2 pvp shields
RETRACT the 100A on dwarven
R/B q7 Wingblade
Bump, RB reached. Will sell in one or two days.
Low Req #2 - 3a