I concur with Surge. 100e is what the market seems to be at on that sword. I sent you a PM as I would be interested in it for my collection.
Posts by Reignoffiretwo
22 arms on both chaos axes
15 arms on the Q8 15^50 Choas axe PLus the Q8 clean chaos axe
10e on the q9 dead bow -
I will buy the 100 consets at 200e. let me know
IGN Reign Of Fire Two -
bump this up please
thanks guys, I am actually a Ele main. I just love the q8 bows and have always loved collecting them.
bump this up please
a4: q8 shadow bow 200e on it.
bump this up please
Ill go back to my baseline offer at 35 arms for 43-44-45
I am extremely confused on the bidding on these 3 items. i keep bidding and then someone bids me up then all their bids get removed. Anyone want to shed some light on the situation.
Tooburns i am still extremely interested in those 3 axes.
bump this up please. still paying a ton for these bows...
I will put 35arms on 43-44-45
I know you have a higher reserve can you pm the reserve on this -
retract offer due to the seller trying to retract a b/o
retract offer
retract offer
retract offer
bump this up please
seems the bow is lost. I figured it was out there somewhere but who knows if it will ever turn up
250e for me please
Thanks Surge! I would love to find that floating q8 15^stance zodiac if it can be found.....
Anyone ever seen the dual vamp or dual zealous Q8 storm/Zodiac/Eternal?
50e on the VS and q12 crystalline if gold and insc 200e on it
I am curious what people think this axe is worth.
Q8 OS Sickle(Crescent Skin) 15^stance
bump this up, changed title and Im very motivated to purchase some of these bows. i am paying crazy amounts for some!
I would love to know if anyone has ever seen a Q8 +5e Stormbow or a Q8 +5e Eternal bow. Also I have never seen a Q8 15^stance Zodiac bow and would to know if one is floating around out there.
Nice Collection Handler! it is motivating me to get my full collection online. I have added alot to it in the past couple weeks. Pleikki when you going to let me add that eternal bow to it??
25e on the pre nerf stormbow