Posts by tru recycled
hey guys,
i'm wondering how much is this:
a friend told me to merch it
thx for your opinions
alright, tks for your opinions guys. i would have offered more than 50e for a dom 20/20
what's the point where i'm selling? i just ask pc, and u give me wrong one, that's all. i've noticed that u try to sell your stuff at kamadan too.
just sold 2 20/10 outcast staves for 10e/ea (q10+q11), i think u r wrong with this pc. ty anyway
i ll say 1-3a
i would say that ondenoire is more objective than u
so if i listen to u, a q9 is 6-7a and a q10 is 10-20e or merch? so why 20/10 is already 10-20e? really strange story "buddy"
ok, so why u said 10-20e earlier?
earth and air are much different attributes buddy maybe you should learn to read you are absolutely clueless
u just said earth was 6-7a maybe less, pc was 10-20a and sold 16a, u are far from a good guy for give a good pc... srsly hold your horses lol. as i said u wanted me to loose money the other day on that FDS, i won't believe u anymore. I ask PC for that staff, i 've never said it was the same price as earth one -_-, just read correctly, its just an advice...
Ask him buddy but it's not worth 16a max i'd say 6-7a for q9 20/20 maybe even less*
that's why i sold it 16a, pc was 10-20a... i think u don't know really the price of those outcast staves
tru recycledJanuary 23, 2022 at 1:14 PM -
i think yr opinion is more trash than that skin ^^. Explain me why Oldschool guy spent 16a for a q9 20/20 on my thread?
edit; anyway u always want me to loose money... how u bot it?
and if it was so ugly, explain me why i've sold 175 unid staves?
more like 10-20e ugly skin nobody wants 16a for q9 20/20 is a lot
i've sold a q9 16a in this website, nik i don't take your pc as a reference lol, i know u don't like me </3
last time i asked u if i had to buy a q7 15^50 FDS sword at 1200a u told me go go just to make me loose arms, bc that sword was only 800a....
and u should know that 10-20e is for 20/10 staves
hi guys, i've sold a q9 earth 20/20 16a, but i'm wondering how much a q10 air 20/20 can go for:
i have just asked offer
sold 5a ingame, we can close it
hi guys, can u tell me how much this wand can go pls? maybe merch due to q11 or only few ectos...
agreed, shadow blades 10e/ea and i would buy one