1000e +1heal plag shield
Posts by hGt
merch imo, maybe few ectos for embossed but hard to sell ... +9 is rly ugly xD
Eternal Shield q9 Strength +44^ench/+1^20 Blood 50e
Gloom Shield q9 Tac -2^ench / 44^stance 10e
got 1x survivor, might drop more
40a crystasorry, have to retract ... spend the money elsewhere
magma shield q12 strength +30, ar +9 vs blunt
earth staff q9 20/10 (only if obsidian skin)
wayward wand q11 domi HCT 10%, +5^50
those might be worth a few ectos, rest i cant rly see anything worth beeing offered tbh
naked weapons can be worth something, mostly in q9 gold only tho also u need a collector to buy them and there are not many around afaik... "rare" naked insc skins are different (like bds/crysta/endchest drops) they are worth something even if q10+ cuz they more rare then insc ones imo
got a Supreme Bludgeoner 15^50 for you my friend
i had some post nerf q8 max stuff on my thread a while ago, no interest...id still say to the right person they might be worth something, how much that will be highly depends on the buyer id say ... i gave away some q8 hammers and some bows aswell i think. Summit Hammer is interesting, id say skinwise its far more rare than the barrel hammer or the ones i gave away so there might be somethign to it...no idea about the staff
wont say anything to the daggers cuz im interested in them so wait for others to pc them (or just open a thread and see how it goes :P) ... btw i never heard that they are used for SC´s hehe
if some1 is looking for dualvamp weapons u can usualy get about 1a/ea, if q9 perf/nice skin they can go higher ... id say atleast 1a-100e on chaos/shadow and atleast 2a on zodiac (might go higher)
the hammer is rly nice, not that sure about q8 stuff anymore since the market is kinda crazy imo ... id say atleast 10-15a probably more with the right interest
blessed chalice q9 healing
skull flatbow q9
b3 1a
b/o 15^50 hooked daggers
it is worth something, cant rly tell how much but q7 swords are always worth something if max dmg and im sure there will be interest in it, maybe a few arms, maybe even something in the 2 digit area never know until it hits the market imo
20e on that +1e staff head haharetract, droped one myself
bump, new stuff
hornbows=mursaat skin
1 5-50e imo, to a collector ... might be hard to find but i knew some1 buying low req os shields
2 50-200e maybe? hard to sell
3 wait for jack^^
4 20-40e
5 5-10e tops imo, hard to sell
6 25-50e
7 25e imo
8 10-20e tops imo, hard to sell
9 same as 8
10 20-30e tops imo but might get a bit higher
11 250e? check https://kamadan.decltype.org/
12, 13, 14 same as 3^^
15 250e maybe? imo hard to sell insp
16 5-6a orso
use https://kamadan.decltype.org/ for the CC´s, id merch the q10+ones unless its chan/heal/dom, use it on bds too cuz im not sure about those, id say air+water like 20a/ea? the earth one is much more, probably like 50-75a , ive seen some1 spamming in kama for quite some time now, df one maybe like 5-10a?
did i ever said something about a bidwar? idc about inflation or whatever, this shield is super rare and i know atleast one person who would be super happy to get this one for "only" 50a (that what he would say xD)
also imo its almost a crime to say "dont sell it for less than 10a", even -2wS/E 30hp ones will cost u that for sure if q9 and 5/20 30hp is WAY more rare... if this shield would be mine i wouldnt sell it unless the offer is rly good and the person values it as much as i do, just because u probably wont find another one in the near future
but as always, u can never rly tell the price until the item is sold. we both know that laurens
edit: i had offers about 10a ~ on a 5/20 30hp tall shield, just to give you an idea ... imo outcast is a different league^^
i got a feeling that this outcast shield will go way beyond 50a easy
10e on E16
20e each on E31/32 (are there two of them or did u upload the picture twice?^^)
50e on the Jitte
5a on crysta (only if gold, if purple im not interested :P)
both merch, if u feel like it u can salv the mods and sell for 1e~/ea but the weapons themselfes are not worth anything imo
final bump
bump, will sell in about 3 days (gonna bump it again, 24h before)
earth staff imo 50-100e but might get higher
jade staves might bring you a few ectos each but probably hard to sell (atleast the blood one)
rest merch imo ... if u feel like it u can give the shield a go too but i doubt there will be interest ... never know, can still merch it if no interest^^
maybe something like 5a?
250e on purple storm bow
150e/ea on 7 & 8
close it pls
sorry to reply again but thats not rly true, sure u can farm it easy but that does not mean u will get one fast, took me many hours to drop mine and i would have been happy to buy one but there simply was non on the market at that time...before merching it i would give it to a hero, good skins and useable mods are too good for the merch imo and from time to time ppl do look for this thing
imo its a super nice skin, but u probably wont rly get more than 5-10e, maybe up to 25e if u find some1 looking for it but that will be hard
1. maybe like 200-400e? not sure, its missing a mod but its a decent skin
2. 200e+
3. 10-20a+?
4. 100-200e tops imo
5. what skin?
6. 300-500e+?
7. 50-100e?
8. 5-10a+
9. 200e+
all imo, but as always only an auction can show u how much u will get for them in the end
to correct you pleikki, those q8 versions where not sold for 50a i bought the last two which where here on legacy for the r/b prices.
imo 25-30a+ easy, its a nice skin, mods are superb/rare and there are not many dual reduce shields around anyway so im kinda sure there will be interest in it