1a hallowed idol
Posts by hGt
wow lol 6a for a max insc fellblade is the bargain of the century imo xD
id say this one should bring 1a+ easy
check https://kamadan.decltype.org/ ... pretty much all prices for those "mainstream items" u can find there
plagueborn axe 5-20e IF some1 is looking for it, imo hard to sell cuz ugly skin
agree on suntouched staff, but forked sword imo 5-10e TOPS....15^50 is very hard to sell imo (unless its some rare skin ....)
Shield of the wing (gold) q8 tact AL15 inscr 50-100e tops imo, probably hard to sell
Gloom Shield q9str -5(20) +10undead nice one, undead mods are wanted, 5/20 isnt the best second mod but "kinda rare" (cuz it can be non max) 5a++ imo
Shadow shield q9str +45st +10undead 1-5a+?
Ornate shield q9tact -2st +44st 20-40e tops imo
Round shield q9tact -2st +30 50-100e?
plagueborn shield q9str -5(20) +10dragons hard to tell, plags are kinda rare ... id say maybe 50-250e+ if more than 1 person is interested in it who knows
bladed shield q10tact -5(20) +10dragons same as palgueborn
Spiked targe q9tact -5(20) +10dragons same as palgueborn/bladed but probably bit less cuz those other skins are "more rare"
q7/15 shields it rly depends on skin, can go from 1-2a to xx(x) arms^^
3. no good skin, -1off and stance mod .... probably merch
4. nice skin, good second mod 50-100e+?
6. 10-50e tops imo, hard to sell q8 singlemod shields ... maybe it gets some interest cuz its prenerf
7. not sure .... 200e+?
8. also not sure, cele is a pretty common q7 skin i guess, and singlemods are usually not easy to sell ... but yet recently even singlemod q7 shields went up to 5a or so .... so i guess yours is like 1-5a?
1 20-50e tops imo, imperfect demon shields are very hard to sell
2. 20e~(+?) imo its kinda of a rare skin these days, atleast give it a try before merching there might be some1 out there missing it
3+5 hard to sell but maybe 5-10e/ea
4 5k/merch
8 20-30e
rest merch
removed/added some stuff...also added r/b´s & b/o´s for darkwings and most low req shields, they are negotiable so feel free to offer!
might not sell low req darkwing/enameled but maybe a good offer changes my mind
exactly, but i did not see any other color drop than gold ... so imo every white/blue/purple darkwing is prenerf ... but ye i am not sure about it, thats just what i can say from my farming so far ... you guys feel free to farm for em yourself and see, maybe u can drop one hehe but as far as i can tell they dont drop anymore
raven staff might find a buyer...hard to tell how much its worth, id take pretty much anything over 40-50e ... mods are pretty useless but its a rare skin
shield maybe 5-25e? maybe merch? id give it a try before i merch it
rest merch
i know that HM can drop q7/8 blue shields, but since blue darkwings (probably) wont drop anymore there is no point in farming HM for them^^ (in HM the chance for blue shields is alot less imo)
emblazoned defender 25e
NM only, since HM wont drop q8...but i dont think that makes any difference, i mean ... why should HM drop blue darkwings when NM does not? afaik HM only affects goldie droprate
i think blue darkwings/enameled (not even sure if there ever was a blue enameled) can be added to this list aswell, ive done far more than 10k runs @ battledepths now and i did not see any blue ones drop! Ive droped about 20~ darkwings and 4 or 5 enameled (even q8´s) but not a single blue one and since blue should be far more common then gold, i dont think they can still drop.
echovald 10-50e tops imo
cele idk ... ive seen demon cele shields go for quite a few arms, if u wanna sell it id recommend to open a thread here on legacy and see how it goes (take ur time and dont sell to the first offer) ...id say it should bring atleast 3-5a, possibly more
1a outcast shield
pls check what skin it is before u merch it .... if lion skin i agree wit hmasahiro, if any other skin it might be worth something!
imo its even for 20e hard to sell
1. 2-5a
2. 5a~? maybe less
5. IMO 100-200e easy, but interest will tell how much u can get in the end
9. 200e+
shields idk
5-10a IMO, but i agree with what anders said...with the right ppl interested it can go much higher
- BDS q9 energy storage idk 20-30a? not sure on those
- caster wintergreen sword 5-10e
- various mods (bow/staff/hammer) +20/19% vs undead 20%bow can go for 1-2e, rest merch
- q9 os 15^-5e jade sword merch/1-5k
- q9 os 15^stance chaos axe 1-10e?
-q9 os ebow 15^-10armor 25e imo
- q9 platinum wand (divine) 1-5e
Gavel of the Nephalim q9 15e
id say they start at 20-30a? depending on skin, req and mods it can go much higher ... but first u will have to find some1 willing to sell such a shield hehe
agree with pleikki
super super rare stuff this is .... imo u can just name a price if u have those, but here some prices (imo)
- Q8 15^50 Stormbow 200a+++?
- Q8 15^50 AND +5e ONI Daggers 20-30a+++/ea
- Q8 15^50 Aureate Daggers 50a+++
- Q8 15^50 Fellblade 100-150a++?
if u have those take ur time with selling them, DO NOT SELL TO ANYBODY WHO PM´S YOU!! open a thread and take ur time, see how ppl go nuts on those .... if u dont have them and u want to buy them, all i can say is GL! ive seen a q8 15^50 fellblade recently (no idea how much it was sold for), but non of the others
hey there guys, need help with some pre items
+1fire (17%) staff wrap
17%ench staff wrap
+1fire rune
+1expertise rune
+5ar staff head
u might get some q9 serpentine scepter for 10-20e/ea, on wayward i guess u will have to pay 20-50e (imo), same on pronged fans
forgotten scepter im not sure about, they not very often seen q9 gold ... but i think thats just cuz nobody keeps it if some1 drops one. id recommend to farm for those yourself if u wont have any luck in kama
edit: all those skins pretty much only drop on main attributes, maybe for mes they drop on inspiration or something .... if u want some "good req+mods" u will have to go for a oldschool one (only on wayward, others dont drop os) and this will cost u tons of arms and a lot of time these days
both merch ... even tho the eternal is a nf drop what makes it kinda rare but i cant see anybody paying something for it