Posts by hGt
hey there buddy, got 2 mixed dyes for you ill hook you up ingame
hey, got a celestial scepter q12curses +5wE 20%hsr curses. PM here or ingame to make a price
ign qu xji
15 50e
ign qu xji
z14 -
hey guys,
im doing vanquishes on my warrior and hm missions on my monk atm and hopefully i can find some company for that...since its a very boring thing
here is the to do list:
Warrior (vq):
Tyria 2/54
Cantha 3/33
Elona 16/34 (istan done, doing vaabi atm)
Monk (hm missions):
Tyria 0/25 (also need nm 2/25)
Cantha 8/13
Elona 6/20Not looking for a payment, unless you are afk (in that case we will work something out)
Post here and leave your IGN, i will contact you ingame. If you contact me ingame i might not be in the mood/wont have enough time!
Can provide running service aswell, but only for a nice offer since im pretty bored of running (can run pretty much anything but no vaabi tour)
sickle 5a
eternal #2 5a -
merch imo, but maybe u can get like 10e for it if u really lucky
F: 50e
ign qu xji
b u m p
added dragon staff
ignore this ....
Quote from masahiro123
i would merch allWelcome back, here my opion on your items:
OS 20/10 staves:
Cockatrice q9 Communing 25-50e
Zodiac q9 & q11 Air 50-100e/10e
Zodiac q9 Illusion 50-100e
Zodiac q10 Water 25e
Forbidden q9 DF 25-50e
Outcast q9 Air 10-20eOS 20/20 staves:
Jade q11 Blood 100e?
Inscribed q9 Domination 5-10eWands/Focus:
Pronged Fan q9 DF insc 25e+
Wayward Wand q9 Spawning insc 25e+
Water Wand q11 HSR10% +5e^50 OS 10-25e?
Fire Wand q9 10/10 OS 50-100e
Wayward Wand q10 Illusion HCT10% +5e^ench OS 10-25e?
Frost Artifact q9 Water +30 +5AR^50 OS 10e
Celestial Compass q9 Blood insc 25-50eShields:
Summit Shield q8/ar16 Tactics +27 -20% deep wound OS 5-10a+ (take your time on this one)
Guardian of the Hunt q9 Strength insc 10-20e
Amber Aegis q9 Strength +10ARvsPlants -2wS OS 10-25eSwords:
Vertebreaker q11 +5e OS 10-20e
FDS q9 insc 5k-5e
Wicked Blade q9 +5e OS 10-25e
Wicked Blade q9 15^50 OS 5k-5e
Flamberge q9 +5e OS 25e
Jade Sword q9 15/-5 OS merch
Sephis Sword q9 insc 5k-5eAxes:
Runic Axe q9 15^50 OS 5k-5e
Runic Axe q9 +5e OS 25e+
Runic Axe q13 dual vamp OS 25-50e
Gothic Dual Axe q11 insc merch/5k
Jade Axe q10 15^50 OS merch
Gothic Axe q9 +5e OS 10-20eBows:
Irongwing Flatbox q9/10 15^50 OS 100e+/25-40e
Zodiac Longbow q9/10 insc 25e/10-15e
Hornbow (mursaat) q11 insc merchHammers:
Marble Hammer q9 15^50 OS 5k-5e
Mursaat Hammer q9 insc 10e
Clouded Maul q9 15^50 OS 5k-5e
Zodiac Hammer q9 15^50 OS 25-50e+?Daggers:
Dragon Kamas q9 +15wE OS 5k-5e
Celestial Daggers q10 15^50 OS merchsome are regular skin and probably hard to sell, up to you if u take the time. Others are decent, such as q9 Zodiac Staves/Ironwing and ofc the q8 summit shield which should bring you a decent amount of arms/ectos. Its hard to pc, i would recommend just copy paste your thread into sell section and see how it goes
:O icy dragon swords can only dropt 15^50? xD
IF u can find some1 who is interested in those hats id say take every offer u can get, imo those are worth/useless ...
OS r9 Naga Short Bow 15/stance 20/20 +30 10-20e tops
OS r9 Shadow Blade 15^50 20/20 +30 10-20e
OS r9 Oni Blade 15 -10 5k
OS r9 Fiery Jitte +5 energy 50e+
OS r9 Dragon Sword +5 energy fire 25-50e, icy 50-100e+
OS r9 Jade Sword 15^50 5k
OS r9 Jade Hammer 15^50 5k
OS r9 Colossal Pick 15^50 50e
OS r12 Naga Long Bow 15^50 20e+?all imo
b/o #4
os q9 15^50 eternal bow 50e
Q9 15^50 sephis axe 20e
Q9 +5 sephis axe 25e -
b u m p
froggy sold to ivory
S/b 1e id say, probably wont get you much but some1 might be interested
75e ivory bow
hey, got a q9 dolyak staff and maybe a q9 platinum blade aswell
ign Qu Xji
btw the following things do not excist:
R9 Domination Jellyfish Wand (inscr)
R9 Domination Koi Scepter (inscr)
R9 Domination Celestial Scepter (inscr)
R9 Domination Celestial Staff (inscr)
R9 Domination Zodiac Staff (inscr)
(can only get those oldschool)edit (by mod--merged posts) nsc zodiac stuff drops only @ deep/urgoz, not zchest. You can get insc version of scepter/staff only on main attributes (unless mesmer, that one is inspiration)
orante 10a+?
storm bow anything from 1e to 1a imo ... what ever some1 is willing to pay for it -
s4 250e
4a 10/5 bow mod
20a tall shield
2a to start long sword
added mursaat shield and b/o´s for some items