100e shadow shield
Posts by hGt
75e shadow shield
Cockatrice Staff, Q12 Channeling, 20/20 Channeling 2a
Cockatrice Staff, Q9 Divine Favor, 20/20 Healing 7a
Cockatrice Staff, Q10 Fire Magic, 20/20 Fire Magic 2a
Cockatrice Staff, Q11 Earth Magic, 20/20 Earth Magic 1a
agree with gerhardt, its a common skin and nobody likes armor mods on foci (rare skins can still be worth a little)
10a prot cockatrice
+5e: plagueborn sword should get you 250-500e, fellblade 100-200e+ imo, others about 10-40e
dualvamp/zeal: dualvamps always go for 50-100e, q9 they imo 100-200e but skin is what matters most on these, dualzeals can fetch you some ectos too if they q9 (10-50e, rare skins more)
shields: very nice, i guess each of those will get you a decent amount of arms. imo the best are -2/45wE, 5/20 30hp cele and the bladed shield (easy 25a+ each imo, if bidwar it might be alot more) but others have there value too!
wands: sadly wands are not rly worth much for some reason unless they 20/20....list them for sale id be happy with anything between 10-50e/ea but who knows, maybe one or the other wil lget you more
staves: amazing!!! cockatrice staves are priceless to me, q9fire cele should easy get you 50a+, curses/air easy 20-30a+ IMO .... others hard to tell but i guess they will get you a few arms each aswell (only winged staff is nothing special imo, but might get you 25-75e)
foci: 10/10 ones are imo 75-125e/ea, q8 depends on interest (imo 3-7a), other two probably hard to sell
please make sure you take your time and find the right buyer for those beauties!
vs 400-450e
crysta 25a~
torm shield 50-75e
silverwing 20-30a
cc 500e+
frog 70-80a
bds 25-35a
btw decltype works great on stuff like this if you type in the right letters....and imo its almost impossible to manipulate decltype with these items cuz ppl sell them everyday
for example:
etc ....
agree with pleikki
deadly cesta 5-25e but hard to sell
crysta 20e tops imo (worst mod ever and there are still alot of purple crystas out there)
dead bow 10-20e
eagle defender 25-50e imo
ghostly staff hard to tell, mods are imo pretty useless but yet some1 might like it...25e+ if u find the right buyer imo, less if you dont xD
holy branch 10-20e tops imo
agree with coffee but if you offer it dont call it "post nerf" xD
agree with pyro, emblazoned is 10a+ for sure (imo up to 20a). Its a very nice skin and you dont see it very often with perf mods
zodiac im not 100% sure but i guess its something between 20-40a? depends on how much some1 wants it imo
5-20e tops imo & hard to sell
agree with hrwakka and aliana
bump, removed some sold stuff & added new
imo its a kinda rare skin to see in q8, im sure some1 will pay more than 10e for it....imo 1-5a (more like 1 tho)
q9/10fc straw effigy 25e/ea
7a on 9
1. & 2. 50-100e imo, but might be hard to get that much
3. 30-60e?
4. 10-25e imo
5. 10-50e depending on buyer
6. very nice! Jug is a good skin and very rare to see with useable mods. Auction it and hope for interest, if this would be mine i wouldnt let it go for any less than 5a and tbh i wouldnt be surprised if it goes higher if the right ppl are interested. It might be imperfect but if you look for something like this you might have to spend years to find anything near like it
1. definitely xxx arms item, how much it can get you in the end only auction can tell
2. 10-20a imo
3. 100a+? there was a hod sword for sale here on legacy recently, sadly i didnt follow the auction so idk where it ended up but im sure some1 here will tell you
4. + 5. always depends on buyer maybe you get 20e, maybe 5a each or even more (wich i doubt but who knows^^)
rest i agree with jack, if there is enough interest in 8 im sure 10a+ is possible
bump. added some more stuff
r/b 10
50-100e?! ive sold wands that are way less rare with worse mods for more than that.....if this would be mine i wouldnt even think about selling it unless some1 offers me atleast 10a (and tbh i think i wouldnt even sell for that). True this price might be crazy but imo thats the least somethign like this should go for, a 20/20 waywar wand is and was always one of the most rarest things in gw and since there are not many ppl still playing this game things like these will only get more rare. Im sure that some collector(s) would rly appriciate to have such a nice piece and is willing to good pay for it.
Cockatrice Staff q11 Divine 50e
welcome back^^
first of all: do not sell your stuff to quick, take your time to find the right buyer and get the best out of them.
spatha 20-40a?
jitte merch
flamberge merch/ 1-5k for mods
plagueborn maybe 5-10e but hard to sell
jade sword 5-10e tops
ironwing is nice, maybe it can get you up to 20-25a or even more but only auction can tell
longbow 40-50a?
composite 5-10a
dead bow hard to tell, id say its a super rare q8 skin but yet the mod sucks alot....only auction can tell how much it will be
guardian maybe 20-50e to the right person
all imo, wait for others on the q8 stuff
ps: q8 bows are prenerf by now (=they dont drop anymore), incase you didnt know
agree with sicilianking
baltikum: insc version can be worth up to 25e if q9
100e~ imo maybe a bit more or less
+10vs XX -2wE shields always sell for about 25e no matter what req or skin, 10vs XX -2wS shields are hard to sell but yet its still possible to get a few ectos
ornate vs cold imo 40-75e, orante -2w/44wE 20-40e might be possible if you find the right buyer
bladed 50-150e imo
@RyGerhardt just because a shield has no hp mod does not mean its not worth something, indeed for most farms, runs and pve stuff dual reduce shields are better. With these you will recieve less dmg and thats alot better than 30 or 45hp imo, since you can get alot of hp from pcons nowadays^^