Posts by hGt
250e q9 eaglecrest
zodiac staff 50e~ imo, maybe even more
zodiac daggers 5-10e tops
crenellated 10-20e
+1 cele shields depends, IF you can find some1 who wants them than you might get a few ectos for them but that will be hard imo...
q5/13ar sharktooth should be worth something too but im not into low req shields so wait for others
rest merch
os 18 50e
os 19 200e
duplicated 1 5a (both)
1. 50e
2. 25
3. merch
imo more like 25-50e TOPS (more like 25), true exalted is a rare skin and few ppl look for them but mods ruin it
both merch imo...maybe some1 is willing to give you some ectos for outcast but i doubt it will be worth the time
agree with gerhardt
750e outcast 30hp -2wE
500e outcast 30hp -2wE
outcast 30hp -2wE 375e
Outcast Shield q10 +30hp/-2^ench 250e (what attribute is it?^^)
agree with gerhardt dont merch it! skin is nice and very rare with dualmods, im not sure if i would call the mods "useful" but i guess the one or other person might be able to get a use out of them.
ps: i doubt you will get much for it but one day you might make some1 rly happy with it
will sell oni blades in 24h ~ to highest bid.
imo like 40-50a but this might be way overpriced, i just love the skin and according to my experience with vermid chestrun id say its atleast 5times more rare than cele staff...but tbh i doubt u will get anything near that much atm, so 15-25a is probably more realistic but never know ... to me its just one of the most beautiful skins ingame
200e Q11 str -2wE +30hp Outcast Shield
for mainstream insc stuff like this use, im sure u will find some prices there
this is definitely in the xxx arm area, imo 200a+ but how far it can go can nobody tell yet^^
edit: agree with red about zrank, u will regret it sooner or later if u rly let this beauty go (especially for a useless zrank)
pretty nice shit, imo almost impossible to PC cuz u barley see stuff like this on the market. I would recommend you to ask Pleikki cuz he knows most about q8 wands, but he might be interested in them so maybe cant/wont give a price check. As usual, its probably the best to auction them and see how it goes...i personally wouldnt sell any of the q8´s below 40-50a(each ofc) and 20/20 holy rod maybe like 5-10a but those prices might be terribly wrong^^
maybe like 200e+?
Oni Daggers, Req 8, 15^stance (uninscribed) 10-20a imo
Oni Daggers, Req 9, 15^50 (uninscribed) 20-50e
Composite Bow, Req 8, 14^stance (uninscribed, blue text) 100-500e imo but not sure
Shinobi Blade, Req 9, 15^ stance (uninscribed) merch imo
Runic Axe, Req 9, 15^50 (uninscribed) 5-25e
Shadow Blade, Req 10, 15^50 (uninscribed) merch/5e but hard to sell
Shadow Blade, Req 11, 5e (uninscribed) 5-15e
Golden Phoenix Blade, Req11, 15^-5e (uninscribed) merch
Storm Bow, Req 10, 11^stance (uninscribed, purple text, I believe this is "pre-nerf") yes it is, hard to tell how much can get tho ... imo from 5 to 500e everything is possible (same for other bow)
Storm Bow, Req 10, 12^stance (uninscribed, purple text, I believe this is "pre-nerf")
Storm Bow, Req 9, 15 vs hexed (uninscribed) merch imo, but maybe there is "some collector" willing to pay few ectos
Storm Bow, Req 10, 15^stance (uninscribed) merch imo
Clouded Maul, Req 10, 15^50 (uninscribed) merch
Clouded Maul, Req 10, 14^-10 while attacking (uninscribed) merch
Twin Hammer, Req 9, 15^stance (uninscribed, purple text) max mod on purple item?? check this one again pls cuz i doubt itxD
Eternal Shield, Req 7 str (16 armor, no mods, white text, I believe this is "pre-nerf") yes they prenerf no idea how much they worth, maybe 50-500e? (eternal is probably worth more than skeleton^^)
Skeleton Shield, Req 7 tact (16 armor, no mods, white text, I believe this is "pre-nerf")
Embossed Aegis, Req 9 str, -2^ench, 9AL vs fire (uninscribed, can these two mods spawn together anymore?) merch, yes those mod combination is still possible (only on os shields)
Embossed Aegis, Req 8 tact, -2^ench, 41^stance (uninscribed) 50-150e tops imo
Gloom Shield, Req 10 tact, 9AL vs piercing, 43^ench (uninscribed) merch imo
Gloom Shield, Req 11 tact, 10AL vs undead, 19% +1 prot prayers (uninscribed) merch imo, but maybe worth a try selling it before u merch it
Plagueborn Staff, Req 10 spawn, 10 HCT-all (uninscribed) merch/5e but hard to sell
Koi Scepter, Req 10 earth, 5e^50, 10 HCT-all (uninscribed) merch imo
Deadly Cesta, Req 9 death, 19 HSR-curses, 19 HCT-blood (uninscribed, is a horrible attribute mix like this rare?) merch, no its not a rare combo on this skin
Eerie Focus (factions skin), Req 9 comm, 10 HSR-all, 10 HCT-all (uninscribed) nice, i wouldnt sell for any less than 250e, offhands with decent mods are insanly rare to drop imo
Plagueborn Focus, Req8 FC, 5AL^casting (uninscribed, purple text) merch
blue insc foci 25e/ea tops imo
b/o crude daggers
b/o inscribed chakram, only if dyeable
Q11tac +30 -2st Crude shield os
Q11tac +30 -5/20% Crude shield os
Q11tac +45ench -2ench Emblazoned Defender os
Q11 tac +30 +1 Curses 20% Spiked Targe
Q12str +30 -2st Outcast Shield os
200e/ea to get things started
Hey everyone,
not sure if there is any demand for this but in the recent months i often got asked about chestruns by ppl ingame and to me it seems a bit like many ppl forgot about most chestruns exept maybe pongmei or boreal station. I know many chestruns for alot of different skins and im keen to share my knowledge with everybody who wants to know more about chestrunning! Depending on what you are looking for, it might be the faster way to get what u want. Also these days chestrunning can rly pay off if u are persistant...but ofc a little luck is helpful
I can also provide a Trade Mod service.
I recently got scammed on a trim trade (second time ...) and i havent rly seen Emma online in a while so i decided to give it a go to and hopefully avoid others from getting scammed. I am new to this and have yet no prove of my trustworthiness, some ppl already know i am and if u guys allow it i would like to build up a reputation! Ive got everything i ever wanted and even more than that so there is no reason for me to scam anybody. (never did, never will!) Can provide help with pretty much all kinds of trades, but if its a trade that needs more than 45 free inventory slots i might struggle xD
Lets make GW great again!
afaik doa tanks can use shields up to req11tac, atleast thats what i got told. Not sure how "useful" a low req demon shield would be but i can imagine there will be interest in a "perf low req" (for example q5tac/13ar 10vs demon 45wE)... sadly thats not the case here, stance mod makes it rly hard to sell and non max armor kills it completly imo. I even merched some high req demon shields with stance mods cuz there is simply no demand and tbh i see the same in this shield... but ofc u can try to sell it and hope for some1
yes this shield might be very rare but in fact it can still drop and the farm where u can drop this is pretty damn easy which imo smallers the value (yes i know, these days nobody farms anymore but in theory its not impossible if u are persistant). Yet im kinda sure that, atleast now, nobody will bid 200a for this shield here cuz to me it seems like not many srs buyers around atm which also smallers the price alot.
In terms of value i have to disagree with kairi, sure i wouldnt be surprised to see 16/8 go for 100a+++ but as u said yourself, 14/6 is undesired so imo no chance it will be anywhere near the price of 16/8 or 15/7. I personaly would value it at something like 10-50a but im rly not into low req shields so dont give to much about that. As always its probably the best to auction it and see how it goes^^
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