a7 b/o pm in game or on legacy we can discuss
if you dont know my ign
IGN-Aco Assasin
Posts by Aco Assasin
Understand when i pc i am putting my best estimate based on interest in game and off the forums and rarity of the item itself
zodiac 20/20
Q9 air, Q9 fire, Q9 water, Q9 earth(Air 100-150e\/\\/Fire (personally if i didnt have one id wilingly pay 10a for it)/\/\/\Water 100-150e/\/\/\ Earth prob fetch around 15-20a+ cant say for 100% again based on interest and if collectors want)
Q9 domination [ easily grab 500-650e (rough estimate due to lack of interest in it)Hope this gives you a good ball park for those. i cant help on others
heck yeah excited to see some floating around! -
Mysterious Tonics x250 500g/ea or 100k for stack||| ill buy 2 stacks
ign Aco Assasin -
q9 +5e Wicked Blade 10e
ign Aco Warrior -
will retract due to in game trade. apologies EK
-Aco Assasin -
q9 verte are semi rare but not unobainable by a fun chest run or those who frequent Deep/Urgoz
i bought one recently for 175e so you can base off that or get around an estimate. im pretty sure i got it cheap so i might even say 200+ they dont drop often and usualyl collectors like myself hoarde em hehe
hmm that spear for rarity sake would touch a few arms but my GUESS is 100-300e but dont hold me on it. hard to price this item
let me get that cele shield -3 +30 50e
u know my ign -
not double zealous if anything its dual degen its merch food
mammoth 15^50 - 5-15e
jitte 14^50 merch imo
the pair of dragoncrest would be 30-75e for the +5e and 15^50 15-40e
Thanks kindly keitax! -
when i bought obby trim originally it was 3500e i think right now finding a trimmer is harder so u might have to pay 4k-5kea. its been a while since trimmers have been prominent XD
10-20e easy q9s drop often(i collect plague axes/swords/shields/staves) if u catch me in game ill even buy it off you(hoping me saying that isnt against forum rules on buy thread) XD
my ign is Aco Assasin (spelled as is) -
nice find! even at q10 id have to price this around 100-250e the skin itself isnt too popular. Its very hard to price OS wands cause its based off collector want/need and usually people just buy insc wands/offhands. you can sell it or give to hero but i mean id say keep it around you never know
-Aco Assasin -
Bump To Top Added a few items as well as removed some!
heya ek ill start you at 20a for echo
-Aco Assasin -
b/o Channeling Plagueborn Staff 20/10 ign -aco assasin
Q9 Tac Plagueborn Shield (-3/hexed and +41hp stance) offer 25e
ign Aco Assasin -
Hey there, take a look hereHmm The celestial looks interesting
came across some os 14^50 and 15^50 skins and was curious as to the prices got a q9 mammoth axe 15^50 and jitte q9 14^50 also have a dragoncrest axe 15^50 and +5e
bump like a baby bump :O
Q9 Katana +5e 75e
Q9 Zodiac Sword 75e
Q8 tac Bronze Shield -2s +41s 75e
ign-Aco Assasin -
Q10 Tac - Plagueborn Shield -2wE +28Hp 20e
Q10 Str - Plagueborn Shield +29Hp -2wS 50e -
idk if u have sold it or not but ill offer 50e rn
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]I am looking for all bows OS q7/8(nonmax) q8/9 15^50 Longbows(i do consider other modifications but it depends on skin+req) [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Hey Guys im also starting to look for new items for a side project [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Before i start everything that is [/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]italicized [/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]are the reqs/mods i currently own [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]The Items i would like to acquire will be all plagueborn/celestial/zodiac staffs,swords,axes,bows,daggers And shields.[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]With Staves i will be looking for Celestial/Zodiac ONLY[/font]
Air Magic q9 20/10 ----
Air Magic q9 20/20 ----
Fire Magic q9 20/10 -----
Fire Magic q9 20/20 -----
Earth Magic q9 20/10 -----
Earth Magic q9 20/20 -----
Water Magic q9 20/10 -----
Water Magic q9 20/20 -----[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]only staves i will take now are any 20/20's that buzan hasnt stole from me [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Swords im only looking for +5e q9-13[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]q9 >
q10 >
q11 >
q12 >
q13 >[/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Shields[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Life, Damage Reduction – req9 tac preferred[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]+30 Life, -2wE -----
+30 Life, -2wS -----
+30 Life, -5(20%) -----
+30 Life -3wH -----
+45wE, -2wE ------
+45wE, -2wS -----
+45wE, -5(20%) -----
+45wE, -3wH -----
+45wS, -2wS -----
+45wS, -2wE -----
+45wS, -5(20%) -----
+45wS, -3wH -----
+60wH, -3wH -----
+60wH, -2wE -----
+60wH, -2wS -----
+60wH, -5(20%) ----- [/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]+30 Life, +10 armor – req9 tac pref [/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]([/font]Will Take other reqs if i dont have them)
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]+10 Lightning -----
+10 Fire -----
+10 Slashing -----
+10 Plants -----
+10 Cold -----
+10 Ogres -----
+10 Earth -----
+10 Piercing -----
+10 Blunt ------
+10 Demons -----
+10 Dragons -----[/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]And Finally Daggers[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]Looking for all celestial/zodiac +5e q9-13[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]q9 >x0
q10 >x0
q11 >x0
q12 > x0
q13 >[/font][font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]My IGN is Aco Warrior Or Aco Assasin[/font]
[font="verdana, geneva, lucida,"]I accept donations and will give only offers on items i am shown i am not an expert at these items therefore i am not ripping you off im just giving what it is worth to me or what i can afford[/font]
i got a q9(str)
eternal +30 -2^ench -
q9 +5e Katana 50e
-Aco Assasin -
Q8 tac Bronze Shield -2s +41s 100e
q9 katana +5e 75e-Aco Assasin ign
All prices are assuming arms are at 95e/ea
Welcome To Acos Little OS Shop
Os Q8 +5e Wicked Blade
c/o 12a+50e(in game)
b/o 30a OBO
q9(tac) +29 -5(20%) Zodiac Shield
c/o 100e
b/o tbd
OS q8(str) Singlemod Celestial Shield -3^hex
s/b 50e
c/o none
b/o tbd
Q9 15^50 Dragon Crest Axe
b/o 25e
c/o none
Q10 15^ench Zodiac Longbow
b/o 30e
c/o none
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