Posts by Looney

    I agree with Vizi, most often on Factions runs I'm pretty sure I'm usually not losing $. If I am it's due to how I don't sell unids since I really don't have space to store them to sell. Yesterday was decent I think all told I ran 50-60 HM chests and had decent luck retaining, only 22 broken picks. Final tally of drops was 2 superior vigors which I kept since some of my heros still need them, ~18k made from selling other runes to traders, a q9 15^50 mammoth axe which some characters koss will probably get and 2 elite tomes (1 necro, 1 rit).

    Runs like outside Boreal Station idk how profitable they are, the skins mostly suck so you are stuck praying for max mods that are also wanted mods or elite tomes. About the best weapons you can hope for are draconic or ornate spears, bramble bows or dolyak prods. There are a few others but too but most of the weapon drops aren't really worth your time. The only time I even bother running there is if I need mods or inscriptions because I try to avoid kamadan as much as possible.

    On a different note,

    What is everyones biggest pet peeve about chestrunning?

    Mine is getting a reg mesmer tome from a chest and breaking the pick.
    Worst drop imo + broken pick = annoyed Looney :@

    Idk about 'profitable' it all depends on luck. Your luck retaining picks and your luck with drops. Nomal mode is definitly not profitable imo, hard mode is less not profitable due to elite tomes. Honestly, I don't really keep track of my cost of picks vs. cash made from drops. I don't sell my crap unids to improve my income, I id everything and salvage most junk drops if it salvages into mats I use for other things. I usually chest run in hopes of getting that rare item that makes it seem worth it. Most stuff I have/use on my characters was dropped to me, I have traded for some stuff but it's a small % of what I have.…%20Run.003.html

    There is some math on it in that thread... just change the 3 on the end to 4 thru 7 to see the rest.

    Just today I broke 10 picks running chests for a few minutes but got 2 superior vigor runes, random luck is random like that (Halcyon Job, lux sin chests). Most times you probably won't make money but there is always a chance at a string of good luck.

    I #$% ING hate loot scaling and the anti-farm code. 'Doesn't effect rare drops' my ASSassin!


    Perhaps it is an idea to post all the chest runs with maps in the first post for easy findingz :D :D Thanks Marty for posting the link :D

    All the maps I could find in the whole chestrunners thread are in an imgur album linked in the first post now. There is also a link to a .zip archive file on my google drive of them if you cba to visit imgur.

    @Kairi, I think a couple maps may have been posted by you, hope you don't mind me trying to save them from the ashes.

    I was going through the chestrunners thread and I noticed the archive contains many doubles of the same page. Most pages there is 2 copies of. If you look at the size column it's pretty obvious. I know it would be a task but it may be possible to curate it a bit and remove the doubles to save some space. Just looking here it's quite a few doubles.…e/11%20Farming/

    Is there a reason for the doubles I'm missing? If the whole archive is similar it could really add up.

    I was hopıng some ppl would post maps too. I could do another one for tasca's but my route ıs pretty much a bıg cırcle ;)

    Idk where else to post a map of, Raısu ıs my favorıte and Gayala ıs almost as braınless as Fu.. ı mean Pogmeı.

    (Help, someone stole the dots from my "ı"s)

    #8 is like any celestial pet(5-10e) any cele pet can be gotten during canthan new year, pick one for a Celestial Miniature Token

    it's the mini pig (non-celestial one) that is not available every year now that is worth something. It is from 2007 and no longer available unless someone has some year of the pig fortunes from 2007 laying around.

    The people who try to sell the cele pig for a high price are attempting to scam people who do not understand the difference between the two.

    I agree armor would help. You may not die but if monks are helping you stay alive they have less time/energy to keep themselves alive.

    The ranger set from Corwen or Breyshaw is probably the best you have access to now.

    If you still have starter armor your headgear is especially useful to upgrade. Better headgear will give a +1 to an attribute. For ranger I would probably go with the +1 Marksmanship headgear. Adding runes and insignia to your armor will help you out as well.

    :( Tech support is always a horrible experience. A month or so ago my phone and internet went out for no apparent reason. No dial tone and the modem would fail to connect. Long story short is they blamed the home wiring and yet it was fixed without them ever stopping by. I was wondering wtf had happened so I called the local office rather than the tech support number and actually got an honest answer... "There was a leaky seal on the one box we didn't replace yet on ___ St. so it filled with water."

    One would think that since you pay for their service that they would,idk, serve you. Every isp I've had has had their own set of issues. My current one has a few thousand customers that have a certain model modem with a known flaw, after a while ppoe will fail and then reconnect, then fail after a short time, etc. They know it is those modems yet will not just send everyone a new modem, it's not 'cost effective'. They figure most ppl don't use their service constantly for large transfers so most people will not notice the problem and if they notice it usually reconnects for a while and they forget about it. The only time they replace the modem is if the customer complains about the modems connectivity issues and says they have watched it disconnect and reconnect XX times in 24hrs would the isp please replace their defective modem.

    I think there is no such thing as 'customer service' any more, there is only '¢u$tom€r $€rvi¢€' where the dollars and cents of their bottom line comes first and the customer comes second, or even last below everything else.

    Seriously, wtf. I just saw someone selling a faction farming service. You pay them XXXe a day or a weekly price for their bots to get enough faction to hold a main town. A-Net doesn't even have to login to see the problem, decltype shows enough of it. Most rmt sellers aren't showing there (it seems to ignore messages on a set timer) but enough players know A-Net isn't doing squat that they are breaking into the arms, ectos, zkeys, bots, etc for cash game. Now it's iBot you pay me ectos too.

    Ignoring this is stupid on A-Nets part since it affects gw2 as well. People sometimes buy stuff in gw1 just to trade it for gw2 stuff thinking if they don't trade with a known gold seller directly in gw2 they will avoid a ban.

    My worst troubles on my 7Mb/768kbps line all started during that halloween blizzard in the northest usa a few years ago. It was that storm that started my issues. A line came down and they did a bad splice fixing it. 90% of lines here are copper, there is only fiber on some main lines, none to any homes. The 'fixed' line had 66% packet loss and as a result horribly inconsistent pings. During that halloween I somehow managed to stay in gw, my traffic must have been rerouted to some extent...

    I VQed Dalada Uplands with an in game ping of up to 180,000ms, yes 3 minutes, idk how gw didn't boot me out. I would notice my heros stopped and keep going, I would scout where groups were, then what can only be described as "the rubberband from hell" would happen and BOOOOOIIIINNNGGG back to my heros I would go.

    Inconsistent internet is the worst, slow but stable is better-ish, best is getting what you pay for. It just plain sucks when they can't figure out the problem. Have you tried something like traceroute? Ping Plotter works better than a plain old traceroute, it does ping and packet loss for every hop with a better gui than a command line interface. It's the only thing that got my line fixed, they kept saying everything checked out fine until I used it and told them exactly what hop the loss was happening at.

    Can I borrow a couple Mbps? I get 7Mbps max and had ~56kbps for half a year when they didn't repair a line correctly. I'm really glad my isp got bought out by a bigger isp, maybe my service will improve.

    Hopefully your isp is better than mine and they fix it soon. My isp suffers from 'cranial rectalysis' when it comes to solving problems, hopefully yours doesn't too.

    Dark chocolate (a little bitterness in life can be nice, especially if it's chocolate)

    Shoes with laces or Slip-ons? (Bonus points if you actually wear shoes with velcro lol)

    A shout box could be a nice addition to the site.

    It could be useful for saying you're ingame and looking for so and so to make a trade on a sold/bought item. Also asking if anyone has a certain item that isn't in a current thread.

    There obviously would have to be some rules such as...

    1)Don't advertise your wts/wtb threads
    2)Limited bbcode, like no size options, colors are ok, limited url support, etc

    The box on another site I use is coded to not allow text strings that include 'wts', 'wtb' or lots of capitol letters. It also has coding that won't allow most swear words. It's max shout length is 255 characters. Old messages are purged from the history after a set amount of time (48hrs I think)

    Idk if it's a good idea or not or how much use / usefulness it would have, it's just an idea.

    q9 tac diamond aegis you can probably get 5-15k for maybe slightly more. Its a nice skin but not that rare since they drop pretty often in eotn. As insc its not very sought after.

    q13 Sharktooth is definitly merch. Insc +q13 = merchfood 99% of the time. The only real exceptions are things like emerald blades, crystalline swords, obsidian edges, etc. Even most dungeon exclusive stuff q13 is merch except highly wanted skins.

    Most times you can get 10-20e for q7 tactics ar15 insc. shields, sometimes more for wanted skins.
    Wooden Buckler isn't a great skin but it's got the stats which is important

    Focus is quite nice but I'm not a focus person so idk

    q9 +5e you could possibly squeeze a few ectos out of, maybe 5-10e just because it's an os caster weapon.

    q8df 12energy might be worth a couple ectos, but not many as DF is pretty unwanted.

    Amber is mixed so merch

    Cele is q8 max AR but not great mods so merch/hard sell unless someone happens to want it. Creature shields are a niche market and most ppl want 'em with +30 if they want them and they usually must be +10 vs XX.

    Agree echo is merch

    FDS/Oni daggs/zodiac hammer idk 5-10k stance is pretty unwanted so hardvto sell(dagger spam sin w/ way of assassin might want daggs)

    Shadow Blade/Oni Blade merch

    I believe it's better because of the easy and faster run compared to others.
    But I think the higher key value chests do since it has to be in NM. I don't think q8s drop from HM.

    I didn't mean those low level areas locked chests drop q8 just that they seem to drop a lower req (ie. q9-11 average) more often than elsewhere (ie q10-12 average) probably due to average foe level. I think it was Luny who pointed it out to me. She was a good source of drop research and statistics to me.

    Thanks Pleikki and Kairi for your input, glad I'm not crazy.

    (well maybe a little)

    Am I correct that any chest with the same key value can drop a q8 rarely?
    Such as Elonian Chests in Crystal Desert and Kournan Chests in NF?

    I know I once got a q8ar16 plagueborn shield from a canthan chest in undercity, pogmei is a q8 option but are the chances higher than other canthan chests elsewhere or is it just 'better' because it's an easy chest run?

    I always thought same named chests mostly had the same 'level', the only real exception being locked chests on shing jea island and istan (starter areas).