Posts by Ddraeg
The Poster above me has numerical skills.
Not Toasted!
Heartburn or indigestion? -
I want a video of this!
I'd like to see this too. GW running on a handheld, not Sonya returning from Starbucks, not that that wouldn't be interesting Sonya!
The poster above me must have some kind of magnetic field.
The poster above me is probably disappointed that there aren't any corpses in the recipe.
While the cupcake donation is a nice gesture, I do worry slightly about the health of our favorite GW1 staff. If we have them killed with eating too much sugar, who would then give us updates?
The posters above me may have noted my absence from the Forum.
The posters above me may not have noted my absence from the Forum. -
I think Kamadan Trade Chat is a more suitable PC for this.
Follow this link here.
Looks to be around 10-15e
The poster above me appears to be a recruiter for the Crypt Minion Legion.
White Blade sounds like it could be a right wing group. I'll go for Shining Mantle I think.
Live in a Gingerbread House or live as a Gingerbread Man?
No worries, I hope you succeed in your quest to Level 20!
The poster above me feels my pain.
As the weather has been picking up here, gimme an Ice Tea!
Drive fast and arrive on time or drive slow (and safely) and arrive late? -
The poster above me doesn't realise I have a severe deprivation from GW due to RL.
The poster above me doesn't realise how poor I am.
No Ice, MORE DRINK! It usually comes out cold enough anyway!
Dunking cookies in milk or the blood of your enemies? -
The poster above me may have just won the Screenshot competition.
Pretty much what Lexx said.
I got my LDOA a few years ago when I heard about the repeatable quests. It's all fairly easy once you get there.The below link may be useful!…ing-new-players -
I'd say dividing them amongst best contributions and splitting randomly would be an excellent way to share out the prizes to the community. I understand this makes it a little more time consuming (selecting winners etc) but would be a more fair and motivating method.
Hope I can find some time to get online and participate in this competition! -
Neither of these are the correct answer Cosy! It's chocolate chip obviously! But I'll settle for strawberry I guess!
A cup or a mug? -
Sign me up to Shining Blade!
#We'renotrebelscum -
Lexx, you're little Asura face is famous! Congrats. Also excellent to see GW making some headlines!
Are you referring to this Sax?
My art and stories, a Guildwars Anthology -
The poster above me forgot that the poster above them has also invited Undead Minions, do they even eat/drink cookies and millk?!
IOS, but that's just cause that's what I'm use to! (Crystalline Sword gives me flashbacks to playing FFX and this little beaut! Brotherhood!)
Electrics or mechanics? -
Friday Night, more of the weekend left!
Crystalline Sword or Eternal Blade?
The poster above me may be developing a minipet hoarding problem.
Peter Crypt's Minions.
Yeah, excellent work! I'm intrigued, what software did you use to produce this? Not that I could make anything even half as good.
I use to have this as my wallpaper. Big fan, looks excellent.
The poster above me is the main quest giver, I appear to just be another NPC....
The poster above me may be making a play on words with the use of the word "pad" where the current context regards housing and not actual mouse pads. Or I could be completely wrong and missing the point.
Permission, I'm not much of a rule breaker....
Fight or Flee? -