The poster above me speaks wise words I think we could all learn from.
Posts by Ddraeg
Wired or Wireless Mouse? -
Shortbow or Longbow?
Dumb and blissfully happy. Life would be so much simpler!
Bergen Hot Springs or Camp Rankor? -
IGN: Ddraeg Gwella
I might be there! I'll add my name just in case!
The poster above me is a Keeper of Secrets.
Iron bones or iron skin?
Okay, I've been thinking a while about this and I think I've decided.
Pineapple Express
I can never remember the ending for some reason..... so it's like watching a new movie every time! -
Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation.
Wait, this is a one word game.....
Asura. -
Yup it's lovely and warm here in Wales too, but I'm stuck in work!
I can't check that build you've pasted Cataphract but I use to run a WoH Prot build in RA many years ago. Since my play time is limited now and I don't get long online I usually end up just running UA for PvE. Maybe I will give a WoH Prot build a go outside of PvP if I get time!
0o0o0oo0oo0o0oo Gandalf but it was a hard choice.
Orcs or Goblins?
No hair or lots of hair?
The poster above me is giving away their age.
I'll go no internet. Although do I have internet if I don't have power?
No pants or no top? -
Star Wars
Digital or analogue? -
Protect but I'm pretty terrible at it!
High HP or High Armour?
Strawberry (The correct answer to what berry to eat is actually raspberry though)
Bone Minion or Bone Fiend?
EK's swampclub makes me moist.
Dirtiest comment on Legacy?
From past experience I usually end up waiting and going to A&E (UK's ER). Lots of emergency operations for me! I should really go to the doctors more often!
Give up cookies or give up chocolate?
The poster above me better be sourcing their blankets responsibly.
Put a this or that!
Honey or syrup?
The poster above me appears to know alot about the buying and selling of items outside of Guild Wars.
Might have one of these somewhere. Will try to get online to check for you!
The poster above me probably likes hexes.
The poster above me may have little man/asura syndrome.
Loose, I need to wriggle!
Sandals or Flip Flops?
Excellent thought on Bots Max, it would be so peaceful!
This would be very interesting to do and achieve! I seem to remember Droks being the original trading post though. Either way I would love to see some more activity in the Prophecies cities.
I think it'd be slightly less confusing to get your own memories, so I'll go with that.
Go-go gadget arms or go-go gadget legs?
The posters above cookies lot about a think.
The poster above me needs to try white chocolate and macadamia cookies. And yes I did wonder what tobacco flavoured cookies would taste like but I'd still choose white chocolate and macadamia!