Posts by James
Hill. Am I
Oatmeal. Begrudgingly.
Panda or Polar Bear? (As a living companion, not a Minipet
A lesson to be learned there sadly, always get a PC and make sure you don't rush a sale.
I'd say it's a poor show from Zaishen too because that is out-and-out abuse of the oblivious, this game is already fragile enough with it's playerbase and exploiting returning players that want to start investing time into the game again is not the way to keep the wider community going...
Re. the PC, agreed with 800-1000e. As a 'sin main + Dragon Kamas are my favourite skin, I would not pay more than 1000e...
I'm James, fairly active on here and still getting to grips with forum culture. Me and a friend of mine (Simon) have just begun to reform our childhood guild [SOF]. The guild was active mostly in factions with a big focus on getting involved with both the Luxon and Kurzick sides.
We appreciate that the game is pretty exhausted in terms of people paying attention to faction as most of those that remain have their saviors or R4's to go in the HoM but after a great deal of nostalgia we've decided to see if we can breath a bit of life back into what was once a great part of the game.
A little bit of [SOF]'s history:
- Founded way back when in 2007, we started off as a Luxon guild (The Rejected Sins) with a few misfits from one of the major Luxon alliances ([KING]).
- Shortly after we began hitting faction pretty hard and filled up the guild with a core of 6 officers and a full roster, pumping out faction teams hourly doing AB, Challenge Missions and Vanquishes.
- The guild then pushed it's way into the #2 alliance at the time and was involved at length with a fight against [any] that were holding the #1 spot and Cavalon for many years.
- After a hell of a lot of work, the #1 spot was taken and [any] was dethroned. We opted then to make a start on the Kurzick side and ran two guilds in tandem, thus the birth of The Remaining Sins.
- Again, we followed the same trend and pushed our way into the #2 alliance and began to build a great core which ultimately paved the way with some of the old school factions guilds like [WIN], [EviL], [KING] and others to take House Zu Heltzer.
- The guilds finalized their efforts by managing to take the record of being the only dual-guilds to hold the #1 guild spot (highest faction on both Kurzick and Luxon) at the same time with 44M and 34M faction respectively.
- Ironically enough, after years of poaching people from guilds and recruitment as a guild leader gave me a passion and interest for pursuing it as an IRL career, I secured a job as a trainee headhunter (still with the same firm to this day!) and felt that the time was right to step away from GW to focus on my career. I took a step down (as did most of the core team) and we let the guild rest in peace.
So it's been a good few years since we've been really at it and we're both rusty as anything but we've now got some free time to play with again! I know that once upon a time the factions scene was thriving and great fun. We want to see if there's any chance to bring that back into play.Main activities: JQ/FA (hoping to get in touch with [LGiT] and see if we can coordinate on their great weekend FA initiative!). Vanquishing and general PvE. Our goal is to push onto a Kurzick town and ultimately work our way up the rankings to a more prestigious town like Amatz Basin (or better!).
If you're interested in taking part and want to join in on the fun for your titles or just something to do (maybe even getting more than 3 humans in a JQ match..!) then drop either myself or Simon a PM, it'd be great to hear from you!
My IGN: S O F Sin Reject/Alrea Redemption
Simon's IGN: Rebels RisingThanks for reading
1) 150-175e
2) 25e
6) 2-4e
7) 80-120eHave seen wildly ranging prices...
9) 10e -
100e Amber aegis
Agree with OS T with the majority however I think that the Smiting staff you may be able to fetch 75e+ for it with some work and if you catch a couple of interested parties.
Bump up and down, bump it up!
#1 - 400e
#2 - 400e
#6 - 10e -
Bump up bump up and get down!
Bump, bump, bump, bump!
Bump up the jams.
Bump! New items added.
Got arms. Drop me a PM:)
Also Celestial Scepter q10 Dom 10/+5^50
5e-10e if you can find a buyer but most likely merch food... too obscure to waste time looking for a unicorn collector imo
Bump! Few new items added.
Bumpedy bump. New items added!
The poster above me is a double agent...
are you doing this run in hm or nm?
Either of them will yield Celestials. I can't say if there's a correlation between drop rate of celestial in HM vs. NM but they drop with both as I only run in HM.
60e VS
20e Smite Crawler -
Purchased. Enjoyed for a while. Currently in a state of loathing.
After the initial enjoyment of a big new world, large zergs all over the place with Meta Events and the joy of derping around in WvW - I quickly ran out of things to do. They have made it too simple, too easy and you can tell that it's designed with little/no consideration of the players that want to have a genuine challenge and test of their own creativity. Everything is quite literally faceroll.
The fact of the matter is GW1 had strong mechanics, a relatively balanced skillset for many professions and the full freedom of buildcrafting. GW2 has none of this. It is bland, repetitive and fundamentally serves the purpose of being a consistently strong earner for Anet. They've done great for a game to suit the modern gaming business model but as far as sticking to the true magic of Guild Wars? No. They've missed by a mile.
22. 100e
23. 100e -
10e Emblazoned Defender Q10 Tactics
Buuuuuuump me to the top
Edit: c/o sits at 550e (offer via PM)
To start off...
250e #1
100e #40 -
Bumpedy bump
5e Dragon Kamas
S/B Celestial Shield
IGN: S O F Sin Reject/Alrea Redemption
Close pleaae
Storage getting clogged up, time to sell some bits... Presume that all items are gold and OS unless otherwise stated. Sorry for the lack of pictures I did not have the patience to do all the cut and pasting...
Pretty Things
- Q8 Wingblade Sword 15^50 - SOLD
- Q11 Tactics Gothic Defender +10vs Demons, -2w/Ench - SOLD
- Q10 Curses Bo Staff 20/20 -
Bows- Q11 Eternal Bow +5 Energy - C/O 15e
- Q10 Shadow Bow +5 Energy -
- Q9 Shadow Bow +5 Energy -
- Q10 Celestial Longbow +5 Energy -
Swords- Q10 Crenellated Sword +5 Energy -
- Q9 Gothic Sword Insc -
- Q10 Celestial Sword 15%^50 -
- Q9 Celestial Sword 15%/-5Energy - SOLD
- Q9 Gothic Sword 15% w/Ench -
- Q9 Zodiac Sword Insc -
- Q12 Emerald Edge Insc -
- Q11 Violet Edge Insc -
- Q13 Obsidian Edge Insc -
Daggers- Q9 Oni Daggers +5 Energy - C/O 25e
- Q9 Celestial Daggers 15%w/Stance -
- Q9 Celestial Daggeres 15%^50 -
Axes- Q10 Celestial Axe +5 Energy -
- Q10 Celestial Axe +5 Energy -
- Q9 Celestial Axe 15%^-10Armor -
- Q9 Plagueborn Axe 15%^50 - SOLD
Staves- Q9 Curses Celestial Staff 20/10 - SOLD
- Q11 Smiting Prayers Celestial Staff 20/20 - SOLD
- Q9 Divine Favor Celestial Staff 20/10 - B/O 30e
- Q9 Water Magic Zodiac Staff 20/10 - C/O 25e
- Q10 Earth Magic Zodiac Staff 20/10 -
- Q9 Divine Favor Holy Staff 20/20 - B/O 20e
- Q9 Domination Magic Cockatrice Staff 20/10 -
- Q9 Spawning Power Cockatrice Staff 20/10 -
Shields- Q9 Strength Exalted Aegis Insc - SOLD
- Q12 Command Draconic Aegis Insc - SOLD
- Q9 Tactics Celestial Shield Insc -
- Q9 Strength Eternal Shield Insc -
- Q9 Tactics Echovald Shield -2w/Stance, -20% Weakness -
- Q12 Strength Echovald Shield +45w/Ench, -3w/Hex -
- Q10 Tactics Ornate Buckler +10vs Piercing, +45w/Stance -
- Q13 Strength Shadow Shield +10vs Slashing, -2w/Ench -
- Q9 Tactics Gothic Defender +9vs Blunt, -2w/Stance -
- Q11 Strength Celestial Shield +10vs Earth, -2w/Stance -
- Q12 Strength Celestial Shield +9vs Slashing, +45hp w/Ench -
- Q12 Tactics Celestial Shield +10vs Dragons, -2w/Ench -
Foci/Scepters- Q10 Death Magic CC Insc - SOLD
- Q13 Earth Magic Celestial Scepter +5En BELOW 50%, HSR 10% -
- Q11 Domination Magic CC Insc (20/20 Modded) - SOLD
- Q13 Fast Casting Frog Scepter Insc - SOLD
- Q10 Domination Magic Celestial Scepter +5En^50, 10% HCT - C/O 20e
- Q12 Blood Magic Idol +10vs Slashing, +15/-1 Regen (Quirky one, right?
) -
- Q12 Fast Casting Straw Effigy, +5 Armor w/Ench, 20% HSR Dom Magic -
Mods - 1e Each- 20% Enchanting for staff (x6)
- Zealous Sword (x1)
- 20/20 Sword (x1)
- +30HP Sword (x1)
- Zealous Spear (x1)
- Zealous Dagger (x4)
- Zealous Bow (x3)
- 20/20 Bow (x1)
- 20% Enchating for bow (x2)
- +30HP Dagger (x1)
- Zealous Axe (x1)
- 20% Enchating for axe (x1)
- 20/20 Hammer (x1)
Summoning Stones - 1e/ea- Oni (x34)
- Mysterious (x60)
Happy bidding. Will update thread regularly!