Shield #1 : 1a+100e
Posts by Jinx
As the title says im looking for a person that can make a Korean Guild Tag.
you can either PM me Jinx Vs Dhuum or Arya Vs Dhuum Ingame or leave a message here on forums.
or Contact me on Discord : Tammie#7229
Thank you.
~Yours sincerely,
Bump still looking for a shield
no longer need anything
As the title says,
Im looking for :
Celestial Shield r9- Tactics with the mods: (+45wE, +10vsDemons) (
-2wE, +10vsDemons)Celestial Daggers "Inscribable" or Oldschool 15^Enchanted rq9Smiting Prayer Frog Scepter + Smiting Prayer Celestial Compas both rq9Devine Favor Frog scepter + Devine Favor Celestial Compas both rq9Celstial Compass Protection Prayers rq9You can either leave a message here or Pm me ingame:
IGN: Jinx Su Pe R Star or Goddess Tammie
Hello Everyone,
i'm selling my old guild: From The Chest We Gather [트두O]
The guild has a full guildhall and pink trim.
With much love,
Tamara (Jinx)
Im looking for a run (all Proph outposts and Mission Locations and all NF outposts that are possible to be ran)
Pm me Ingame: Goddess Tammie
Im intrested in DoA unlocking Service in NM with bonus if possible.
and a run for All outposts in proph.
IGN : Goddess Tammie
as the title says im looking for:
Celestial Demon Shield
Req 9 Tactics
-2wE and +10vsDemons
IGN : Goddess Tammie
Bring up my post (Last bump will sell the shield tommorow) highest bid gets the shield.
Bring up my post
Bring Up My Post
Hereby im selling my Oldschool Q7 Strenght Celestial shield.
16 Armor, +44wE, -2wE.
Services are still being offered,
please leave your ingame name here instead of PMing me online for the time being.
Still running the service for people. -
CLOSED Topic not needed anymore
Dear Guildwars Players.
We From the guild : From The Chest We Gather [트두O],
Have Decided we will Restart our Underworld Running Service which we have had back in the day.For years we have been part of the Speedclear community and we have been well known for running the Underworld Service in the past when GWGURU was still Online.
We are going to re-open our Services to you so that players that have trouble with completing The Underworld to get everything they need from the Area.Why a Underworld Service?
There are some things in The Underworld that are required for the Hall of Monuments,
For Example :- Hall Of Monument Statue
- Black Widow Pet (Statue)
- Chance for one of the Rare Drops from The Underworld Chest
Rare Drops:
- Dhuum's Soul Reaper
- Voltaic Spear
- Eternal Blade
- Miniature Smite
- Miniature Dhuum
What does this Underworld Service Cost?We charge a fee of 150e or 1a for each person
Why do we charge this much? Because Underworld is the most unforgiving area of the game and it can be quite difficult to run for most people also it requires a decent amount of personal Consumables to do it efficiently.The Run should take 45 minutes to 1 hour (we are mostly faster but this is a safe estimate for if something went wrong and we might need abit more time).
Runners :
- Jinx Su Pe R Star
- Arya The Wise Elf
- Mesmer T M
- Aiden Vs Dhuum
Post a Reply on this topic with your IGN or contact Jinx Ingame so we can schedule a run.We Hope To see you ingame.
Much Love,
Tamara (Jinx Su Pe R Star)
Hi, since i have no clue on tonics on the market and i couldent find any listings i'd love to know what a Everlasting beetle Juice tonic is worth.
Dear people,
[트두O] is rebuilding and we are Looking for Active players who are known with Speedclears or want to learn Speedclears,
We are looking for players that know how to speedclear in various area's and want to help reinforce a strong and stable guild.
We also encourage new players that are motivated and willing to put in the time to learn the speedclears,
All that we require of you is willingness to learn and your own supply of personal consumables which are required for most speedclears.Although we prefer Underworld over the others that does not mean we arent doing other speedclears;
For example:Domain Of Anguish
Fissure Of Woe
DungeonsWe Are part of the APeZ Alliance, Where Underworld, Fissure of Woe, Domain of anguish speedclears are formed regularly, aswell as Dungeons.
We are fully willing to teach people about Speedclears. (We as a guild however focus more on Underworld Speed Clear).
When your new to speedclears i highly recommend that you do not join the ally runs just yet untill we've taught you properly.
When your new to the guild and speedclears we highly recommend that you have Teamspeak and a working microphone so we can communicate while teaching.Once we have a decent amount of active players we will also organize special guild MvP Events, what this means is that we will reward the most active and fast/consistent members that are doing speedclears.
If you want anymore information about the guild you can always Private message the people in leadership positions;
Tamara Love Strike
Arya Vs Dhuum
Pkzy Svo
Ye PI hope that we will meet ingame.
~Yours Sincerely,
[트두O] Leadership
For more information and Guild Rules etc. Please visit our forums : Click here to visit our forum.
As the title says,
i'm selling my Q10 Eternal Blade +5e, 20%/EnchantedS/B : 15a
C/O :
B/O : 20ai reserve the rights to either sell this item ingame or not at all, im in no rush to sell it.
bring up my post
B R I N G Up My P O S T
As the title says im here to sell my Froggie + CC sets.
And my q11 Tactics Celestial Demon Shield.Starting Bid on any froggie+CC set = 200e.Curses C/O = 500e ( The Moon Spider ), B/O 750eSOLDBlood C/O = ... , B/O 450eSOLDDeath C/O = ... , B/O 345eSOLD
Q10 Channeling Froggy 200eCelestial Demon ShieldSOLDI reserve all rights to sell ingame if i feel like it.
With much love,