Posts by Rapunzl
:::::::::::::::::::::: MINIPET ::::::::::::::::::::::
unded Rift Warden
c/o: 250e
r/b: 400e
b/o: 500e
Draconic Aegis
Q10 Tac x2
Q11 Tac
Celestial Compass
Q11 blood, Energy storge, Earth Magic, Soul Reaping,
Q12 Communing
Q13 Soul Reaping
WG Sword b/o 15e
WG Axe b/o 15e
:::::::::::::::::::::: OLDSCHOOL ::::::::::::::::::::::
Jade Wand Q11 Illusion 10/10
Jade Wand Q12 Divine 10/10
Water Staff (Core) Q13 20/20
Fire Staff (Core) Q11 20/20
Outcast Staff Q9 Blood 20/10 c/o 10e
Gothic Defender Q11 Str +10 Demons +41^stance
Gothic Defender Q13 Tac +45^ench -2^ench c/o 30e
Echovald Shield Q11 Str +10 Dragons -3^hex
Echovald Shield Q12 Tac +10 Demons +27hp
Ornate Shield Q13 Str -2^stance +10 Demons
Outcast Shield Q13 tac +10 Blunt -2^stance
Oni Daggers Q11 15^50
:::::::::::::::::::::::::Q8 INSC:::::::::::::::::::::::
Q8 +12e Focus blue Insc.
Hallowed Idol, smite
Flame Artifact, fire
Protective Icon, prot
Divine Symbol, divine,
Accursed Icon, curses
Atorm Artifact, Air
Idol, blood
::::::::::::::::: MISC :::::::::::::::
Clovers 20 Stacks+ 11e/ea
Honey Comb. 20 Stacks+ 13e/ea
War Supps 20 Stacks+ 8e/ea
Skalefin Soup 4 Stacks+ 50e/ea
sell some for PM b/o
bump -
some b/o add soon
NEW Z.67) Q8/16 Aegis Tac
NEW Z.68) Q7/15 Reinforced Buckler Tac
100a to start it
*NEW* Special Item
CANE Q13 Domination Magic 20/20 [Upload Picture soon]
s/b: 1a
r/b: tba
b/o: tba
(I reserved the right not to sell!)
need a pc on this
Cane Q13 Dom 20/20
NEW low req Shields/Focus add -
1a to start the Q8 SSS Insc.