Moving Trading Outpost to Embark Beach

  • On the global scope, ... certain concerns regarding that subject, you're welcome to express them by leaving a comment on this article's talk page. It's the link of which at least two staff members of ArenaNet are aware about.

    Arenanet knows that GW1 has a small community that is very dedicated, and they know it is a good game. They will continue to support it as long as it has players, from what I have heard. It is true that the budget for GW1 might be 1/100th of what it is for GW2, which means that routine maintenance and banwaves are all they can afford to invest from a business standpoint.

    Without a police force in the game, PvP will finally die with interrupt bots and whatever else, and PvE will become so inflated that the market will crash. I am surprised it has not happened already. "Those who cannot learn from History are doomed to repeat it." Right before WWI (afaik) Germany was printing so many Marks (Germany currency) that 1 dollar equalled 4 billion Marks or something insane like that. And bakers would not accept anything less than a wheelbarrowfull of Marks for a loaf of bread. The massive inflation caused a massive devaluation of the currency and the house of cards fell down.

    In this state of the game, the high end market is the only thing preventing the entire economy from collapsing, and the high end market is on its last match: prenerf items/limited items. what happens when the wealthiest botters have nothing left to buy? what are they going to do with their money? it's not just going to disappear.

    i really know nothing about economics so forgive my doomsaying and projecting. in order to keep PvP alive at least, legitimate players will be forced to move "underguild"--pvp can only take place in unranked scrimmages between trusted guildmates, however, this destroys any real competition and prestige that comes with winning the MAT--no more gold capes. let's not forget that even the most prestigious in-game award that exists in my opinion, a gold cape, is now being sold for armbraces. i think people got complacent with GvG and left GW2 because of hundred-player WvW battles. They thought that everything that could be discovered had been and gave up. I like to think differently.

    I think GW1 is a great game because there are virtually infinite possible permutations of play with respect to builds, attributes, equipment, and tactics, something that is severely limited in GW2. It is a lot more creative than GW2 in this way from my cursory knowledge of the latter.

    I think we need to do everything we can to keep the community strong, interacting together, and learning to develop diplomacy with botters which allows for what we want--high supplies of pcons and super rare OS items to even exist--and lets what we don't--2000a items and volatile markets--cease.

    A lot of this post is tangential to the issue at hand. My apologies.
