You set the proverbial trolley on the track yourself.
-1. incorrect. it was rolling along whether or not i was there.
You took a henchmen from the town and violated the aforementioned enemies property rights.
-1. i didnt need to take a hench from a town, as stated. i could have just stood there with the non hench npcs k wording foes that come too close, up until level 15. i dont need henches to get up to any of the levels in the vid. i just used them for convenience.
-2. property rights are a fanciful bs idea created by the government and its a conspiracy.
At this point you are trespassing and he has the right to defend himself from your aggression.
-3. ACTUALLY it is the enemy npcs who are trespassing on OUR property (ascalon). if i dont stand there and provide moral support for the npc that is k wording goblins and ghouls, the entire city of ashkelon might fall to the hands of evil. our people will be driven from their homes! the ghouls will take up residence and be mean to us, and i dont want that, nor do i deserve that. i am a nice guy (evidenced by the fact that i am playing a series about being a pacifist).
You initiated the conflict for your own self interest.
-1. actually, i did not initiate the conflict at all. all i do is walk from one point to another, and then baddies start attacking me and my friends. its the baddies that are initiating the conflict.
-2. also, i dont KNOW that a baddie will follow me and start being mean to from friendly dudes nearby. what if theres a glitch and he doesnt attack? all im doing is running around, plain and simple.
-3. bro whats wrong with self interest
Happy to watch murder at the hands of your hired thug so long as it served your goals. You are most certainly a very naughty boy 
-1 again no im not a naughty boy. im a man. and im a nice guy as previously stated in point 3 of the property argument.