The Olympian [Gods] Alliance is rebuilding!

  • The Olympian [Gods] are a friendly group of people who are here to enjoy the game! We are currently recruiting members, along with Luxon Guilds to join our growing alliance!

    We are a mostly PvE based Guild/Ally, though we have those who enjoy a good amount of PvP as well. Just hard to find it nowadays. Our PvE adventures range from title grinding, completing campaigns, or doing Dungeon runs of UW or FoW and the like.

    I like to host Alliance events such as Raffles, 1v1 Tournaments, Scavenger hunts, and many more. Also into running some UW or FoW, Zaishen Quests, or just generally playing through the campaign. I also enjoy Pre quite a bit.

    Anyone members or Guilds looking to join, shoot me in game @ Chocori Biro

  • Hey everyone!

    So I have been rebuilding my old Guild, and growing our alliance for a few months by now, and we are looking for more friendly people to add to our ranks!

    Our name is The Olympian[Gods], we sit just under 40 members currently, and have 5 out of 10 guilds in our alliance. We are quite active, and very vocal on discord. As we use discord as a way to organize events, as well as group for dungeons or campaigns.

    While our Alliance is more on the casual side, as we focus on title grinding, campaigns, and regular dungeon runs; we are partnered with a very large and active SpeedClear Alliance. This allows for our members to hang out in a friendly community with no pressure, but also have the access should you want to get into SCs. You will get a link to their discord from ours, and they have forming channels and runs happening daily.

    Some of the events we have done is the past are raffles and armor giveaways, and currently we are in the middle of a 1v1 tournament. Beyond that, we have a nice mix of PvE and PvP, so there is a little bit for everyone.

    Anyone is welcome, new or returning players. Shoot me a in game @ Chocori Biro with any questions! Hope to hear from you soon

  • bsoltan February 19, 2025 at 2:54 PM

    Closed the thread.