WTB Gold Zaishen Coins, ALL Bday Minis, Mats & Destroyer/Torm Weapons!
Vizi -
June 6, 2016 at 7:15 PM -
Mostly after Deldrimor Armor Remnants! Will pay nicely -
PM on Legacy if you have anything -
I have 1 deldrimor armor i'll sell - I dont need it..
ign - The Immortal Gabio
Need Deldrimor armorssszzzz!!! -
Paying 8 Zkeys per Deldrimor Armor Remnant! -
Still after some new Deldrimor Armor Remnants & Unded minis! -
Hey ! Got 5 Deldrimor armor remnants and some minis. Are you buying minis in Pre too ? IGN: Ward Sister Ksenia.
I have some minis.
IGN: Master Of Dreamland
Still buying unded minis -
- Official Post
got a character (or 2) full of minis...
cosyfiep : awesome, hope to see you soon IG
Bump! Still need unded minis, Destroyer weapons & Hero Armors to fill some HOM
March 11, 2018 at 3:49 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB ALL Bday Minis, Hero armors, Diamonds & Destroyer Weapons!” to “WTB ALL Bday Minis, Hero armors, Diamonds & Destroyer/Torm Weapons!”. -
Mostly need : White miniatures, Deldrimor Armor Remnants, Destroyer (or mats) & cheap Tormented weapons! -
I have an unded mini gwen
I have Cloths of the Brotherhood.
I'm good on Cloths, mostly need Deldrimor Armor Remnants (paying well), Tormented weapons, Zkeys, Destroyer Weapons/mats, and Unded Miniatures! -
Got a stack of Diamonds for fair price. Also like 50 Minipets unded
ign: The Reborn Monk
Mostly after Zkeys currently : 3a = 250z.
Reborn : Great! I will try to login today -
Yo I have 75 Diamonds for sale
I also have 35 primeval armor remnants if you're interested
Hit me up for unded minis anytime!
Still after Z-Keys (paying in arms!), Unded Miniatures, Hero armors like Deldrimor, and stuff for Destroyer Weapons
Also buying cheap Tormented weapons (any kind) -
Still after Z-Keys (paying in arms!), Unded Miniatures, Hero armors like Deldrimor, and stuff for Destroyer Weapons
Also buying cheap Tormented weapons (any kind) -
I can sell you 45+ Minipets!
PM me when you are back from afk
I have 42 white minis for you
IGN: Frost Iceshard (alt with minis) or Commando Frost (main)
Yo dude, i got quite a few mini's for sale if you're still buying.
- Summit Giant Herder
- Word of Madness x3
- Irukandji
- Krait Neoss x2
- Forest Minotaur x2
- Mandragor Imp
- Jungle Troll
- Fire Drake
- Dredge Brute
- Jade Armor
- Raptor
- Fire Imp
- Quetzal Sly
- Cave Spider
- Thorn Wolf x2
- Siege Devourer
- Scourge Manta
- Wind Rider
- Heket Warrior
24 totalSome gold & purples as well, see my thread if you're interested in those:
WTS Mini's & Tonics // Ceratadon, Lich, Flame & Water Djinn + Loads of Gold, purple & whites
July 28, 2018 at 11:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB ALL Bday Minis, Hero armors, Diamonds & Destroyer/Torm Weapons!” to “WTB Deldrimor Armor Remnants, ALL Bday Minis, Mats & Destroyer/Torm Weapons!”. -
Thanks for the miniatures.
Need Deldrimor Armor Remnants (paying well!) -