Closed many pre-nerf greens

  • I recently returned to the game. Before I left Guildwars I collected quite a few greens which I have vetted with the help of members of the Legacy community. I am now offering a sample of my collection for auction. I would like to refer to the thread by Oldschool Cool on pre-nerf greens as far as photo's /wording changes of the items listed goes. Info and research on prenerf greens (updated 29 Sept) . If you must see an item I can meet and show you the item. My IGN is Joe Damagio. Here is a list of the items i'd like to sell, broken into catagories. Auction ends this Saturday, October 16@3pm. Thanks for looking, good luck and stay safe!

    Items with Wording Changes:

    1. Wenslauss' Faith

    2.Ghial"s Staff

    3.Kole's torment

    4.The Yak Slapper

    5.Wayward Wand; q9 Divine Favor/ HSR Healing 20%

    6.The Scar Eater

    7.The Stoneweaver

    Colour Differences:

    1.Orosen's Staff

    2.Gorrel's Cane

    3.Vokur's Cane

    4.Wroth's Holy Rod

    5.Brohn's Holy Rod

    6.The Shadestone

    7.Vilnar's Glove

    8.Galigord's Rod

    9.Lian's Lantern

    10.Strongroots Shelter

    11.Merki's Gaze

    12.Razortongues Recurve Bow

    13.Korvald's Chakram

  • Joe Damagio October 17, 2021 at 2:08 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “many pre-nerf greens” to “Closed many pre-nerf greens”.
  • bsoltan October 17, 2021 at 7:22 PM

    Closed the thread.