[CLOSED] PC OS items

  • 1) 10-15e i would be happy

    2) same but will end up with 0 offers put it on a hero imo

    3) probably merch

    4) merch/5e/hero

    5) merch

    6) 5-10e again, better hero it

    7) skin ? If core 5e if obisidian 13a + if canthan 10-20e

    8)9) 5/8e or hero

    10) 1e / hero merch

    11)12)13) about the same any staff 20/10 not q9 will be merch/1e for further notice

    14) 15-20e

    15) to 21) will be merch 5e hero etc...

    22) is it tyran (big) or canthan (small) if big : 100a ++ if small 5-10e

    23) merch

    24) 10-15e base skin

    25) merch

    26) 10e ish

    27) 5e ish / hero

    28/29/30/31 merch

    32 merch

    33/35 5/10e or hero nice skins

    36 merch

    37 5e sell it fast it's Halloween 🎃

    Frost artifact might fetch 30-40e ish

    Gl it's lot of items to pc, but u did the effort of doing a nice presentation so, i answered :p

  • Eusha November 10, 2021 at 7:45 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “PC OS items” to “[CLOSED] PC OS items”.
  • cosyfiep November 10, 2021 at 11:41 PM

    Closed the thread.