I found this post but it's a couple of years old so I think inflation could have changed the price.

closed: Reinforced Defender Q8 Motivation gold
So, when i sit in kama looking for more low req golds to add my collection, this shield is shown to me allot. Iv come to the conclusion its a common q8 to see. The fact its Mot aswell hurts.
I probably wouldnt pay more than like 40e for it. But i could be worth more to others. Probably a really hard sell though, take whatever offer someone gives. Dont expect much. -
Mukesh Kapur
January 8, 2022 at 7:53 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Reinforced Defender Q8 Motivation gold” to “closed: Reinforced Defender Q8 Motivation gold”. -
January 9, 2022 at 2:23 PM Closed the thread.