Both have value 25 gold. I believe that it now says 1 gold.
PC nerfed Blue dye and Gray dye 25 gold
Very cool dyes, there hasnt been many of these sold (i think ive seen <5 in 5years+) so theyre definetly very rare, i cant say what demand for one is but these are much rarer than mixed dyes if that matters some collectors might bid on them pretty well, possibly higher than mixed dyes id say
Update@ yeah gray not prenerf
Hi Pleikki and Sagittarii Zayin , you can currently buy 25gv Gray Dyes for 50gold each in most cities.
Hey Salty, thanks i didnt even realize its from merchant and not dye trader like other dyes, so yes gray dyes are all 25g xD
Hey Salty, thanks i didnt even realize its from merchant and not dye trader like other dyes, so yes gray dyes are all 25g xD
I'm glad I noticed haha. Also, sorry to potentially have ruined your day Sagittarii Zayin
That being said the other dyes may be worth quite a bit
Silly me!! Appreciate your finding that one saltysteve
February 27, 2022 at 6:17 PM Closed the thread.