To keep it short, I like farming. I just feel as if I need more direction. I would like to start farming zones that drop sought after items. Any advice into what/where to farm would be greatly appreciated! My best drops so far were 2 'max' stat q0 items that each sold for 20e. But, I would really like to hit a personal goal of a 1a trade if not bigger. Which is a small amount to many people, but a big goal for me! Thank you in advance to anyone for your advice and response!
Need Help Getting Back Into The Game
Just a few suggestions, trying to keep it short. But feel free to ask if you need more details:
For a steady and reliable income: Learn DoASC - pretty sure there are few guilds out there willing to teach newcomers. I don't think there is any other farm or speed clear that will guarantee you the income that doasc does.
For "a chance of the big pot" it really depends if you wanna do something in a group or solo.
Currently the best solo farm of all probably is the "A Chance Encounter" quest farm. You need to play through Winds of Change until you hit that specific quest & you can farm ~50 foes in like 3 minutes with pretty much any profession. These foes drop a lot of the (former) rare canthan skins like Bo, Dragon, Platinum Staves and Diamond/Iridescent/Bladed Shields plus the WoC currency "Ministerial Commendation" which can be traded for Imperial Guard Lockbox which can drop Tengu Flares which sell for 3e/ea or so. Unfortunately a lot of bots also farm this place but you can still get lucky with a lot of the skins that drop there.
If you wanna do something in a group and don't do DoASC, a lot of people also still seem to like dungeon speed clears but since you often need to invest into personal consumables and such it's not really recommended to beginners (or people that aren't wealthy already after coming back to the game). Plus in dungeon speed clears people tend to not really make a big profit.
You could also start chestrunning (there's a corner in the forum with route examples) in either NM (with a chance of finding a desired req8 item) or in HM for a more steady income (selling elite tomes 1e/ea, selling unwanted unids 7=6k, identifying all the rare skins for a chance of a good drop).
There's various other farms targetting very specific skins or items. If you have something you're especially interested in just post it here and someone will sure be able to guide you in a direction.
Feel free to ask any questions regarding the farms I mentioned.
That is a lot of great information! Thank you! With this information, and what a couple of other kind people sent to me in messages I should be able to get a really good grip on farming again! Thank you again, very much!