WTB Inscriptions, Weapon upgrades

  • Hello,

    WTB inscpritions, upgrades or full weapon equivalent

    Staff QX Restoration 60HP / 20HCT

    or any

    #1 - Hale staff head +30HP

    #2 - Staff wrapping of Fortitude +30HP

    #3 - Aptitude not Attitude 20%

    Staff QX Restoration 40/20/20

    or any

    #4 - Hale staff head +30HP

    #5 - Staff wrapping of Enchanting 20%

    #6 - Aptitude not Attitude 20%

    #7 - Staff wrapping of Mastery 20%


  • bsoltan February 1, 2023 at 6:33 PM

    Closed the thread.