HA/GvG still active?

  • Hello all,

    I am thinking about comming back to the game. I forgot my account details so I will have to get a new one. I would like to pvp again but am wondering if HA and GvG are still active at this time. Or are there hours of waiting without any matches popping up? And if other pvp activities are.


  • HA is pretty much only henchmen teams with 1-2 players. Occasionally a real team?
    Today there is the mAT and I bet around 5-6 real guilds will be playing, the rest of the mAT will probably be filled with some sync guilds.
    Usually during the european evening there are GvG scrims, but we expect some base level atleast. You should check the teamquitter discord if you are interested in joining them.

    Then there is also FA in the weekends.
    I believe you can play JQ during the day. I never play it, but I hear it's filled with bots, so it is easy to practice your skills there and get easy factions, idk.
    I'm not sure if RA is active. I think the player base for that got so small you will most likely face a sync team or atleast the same players all the time.
    AB is inactive, except for maybe the AB event weeks. But even then it doesn't always start-off.

  • HA's dead, i mean real one. It's only about farming the hoh chest. However you may get some match on double HA week. Else it's only fake match vs Bot+7 henchmen.
    Concerning gvg, it's pretty much dead too, except from MAT, and some AT when real guilds need the QPs.
    And ofc last comunity of gvg players still do some scrims in the evening, more or less daily.
    Ladder is only sync tho.
    Hope you'll join the party in gvg, all playesr motivated are welcome :)

    IG: jacke l eventreur