I like to sit here sometimes and think about one of my most prized items and the stupid mistake that took it away from me. It was 2017 and I had just returned after a 2 year hiatus. I wanted to play around with a dervish in FA but didn’t have any spare character slots so I just deleted one of my existing pvp characters and carried on. I didn’t realize until sometime later that the character I deleted had my collection of q8 15^50 hammers in its inventory. I’d had those hammers with me for ten years. Included in there was this war hammer. This screenshot is what survives of it.
After taking a year off from the game I came back in 2012 to find that a friend had immersed himself into the collecting community. Some of you may know him as Kiki. I helped him with funds to acquire some of the big items he was looking for. He was meant to pay me back but in 2013 he decided he was going to move overseas for uni and would give up gaming. He gave me a few of his things including his set of sunqua blades (he was obsessed with them). Over the years I sold his q8 15^50 to Pleikki and q8 15wS to Kugiini for hefty sums. But those of you who remember him will know the q8 +5e was his favourite. That’s still with me.
So amazing stuff, Thanks for sharing and im crying inside for that hammer collection
But u know im still waiting what that SWS on the picture is!! -
Though I had my share of oldschool items I had mainly been a minipet collector in the early days so upon my return in 2012 I turned my attention back to weapons. One of my first pickups was this dead bow.
I have a taste for premium items, not just your run of the mill oldschool weapons. So I sold my q9 14^50 crystalline to Aris (or maybe Max Borken?) and q8 16wH crystalline to The Mountain and got this perfect q11.
That crenelleted needs a 10/7 % , not 10/8
Nice sets 💪
In 2014 I was on the lookout for a very special item. An item that was as near to a one of a kind as possible to be one of the centre pieces of my collection. This beautiful Echovald Shield became available and I knew what I had to do. Apparently there was some controversy surrounding my purchase as others felt entitled to it. But here it is nine years later and as far as I can tell (unless the bots have gotten to it) still the only one of its kind.
I'm really glad that you are showing some of your stuff after all these years. You may be the only person where I thought 'this guy is a black hole for epic items, but I have no idea what he actually has laying around'. Most other people have shown off their collections whereas yours has more or less been more a mystery to me. I bet there are some truly epic items.
I'm with Surge goes pre . Thanks for posting this. I think you might have a skewed version of the "drama" surrounding the sale of that shield. If there was entitlement, it was in terms of what the seller thought she was entitled to in exchange for this shield, complete with a classic rage quit/cash-out when she was told no
. But there definitely was dissatisfaction over the fact that the shield was being sold to a player who would keep it locked away where others wouldn't be able to learn about it and enjoy it. Happy to see this leaf finally getting the sunshine it needs. Thanks for sharing
EDIT: Your friend Kiki...was this Kiki Livewire? I sold him several bows (including 3 req 8 15^50 dead bows) when I was unloading my collection. I always wondered what happened to him. Is that your Kiki?
Won't comment on the other stuff and derail your thread.
It's always nice to see this shield.