Wondering if this is worth something: Fiery Gladius with Req. 5 Swordmanship, max damage 13-18 (for the req 5) , Inscribable
Req5 13-18 Inscribable Fiery Gladius
Yes im sure someone would want to buy it...
*cough* *cough*no idea on price, depends on interest
I'm a noob at this and didn't understand if that was irony, sorry :D. I saw your signature, but the post is from 2 years ago. Are you still looking?
So could it be worth something? And if yes should I post it on the The Xunlai Market?
no irony, low req market has been good the last year or so.
blues get less traction simply becuase they are blue: but people like me like random low req to complete sets we have.
So yes id post it for sale, see if you get any bids. You have no obligation to sell if you dont want to. Its hard to give a good price check when there havnt been similar items in a while. I wouldnt expect complete bank but some ectos are allways good
Also is it the galdius skin thats on fire? or the normal gladius with a fire mod?
(the post in my signature is 2 years old but i keep it updated to show my currect collection and what im activly looking for) -
Thank you very much for all the info. I will post it then and see what happens. The skin is fiery.
Post it and let it rund 1 or 2 weeks.
I only got a few e for my gold q6 new max dmg wand
I actually posted and sold it already
RE: Req5 13-18 Inscribable Fiery Gladius
I think it could have went much higher if you gave it more time
December 30, 2022 at 8:57 PM Closed the thread.