See title.
Zodiac Scepters:
- Any req
- 19/19 to 20/20
- +15e & 19/20% also works
Zodiac Axe/Sword:
q8 +15% -5e
Show me what you got!
WTB q8 9-40 Scythes + Zodiac Scepter & Staff 19/19-20/20 + q8 +15% -5e Zodiac Axe/Sword
Still looking
Hey, I got a q9 insc aureate blade for you
IGN: Messer Wind
Found an Aureate Blade now thanks to Fliewe but I'm happy about any further offer, especially Singing Blades
March 9, 2023 at 9:32 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Singing-/Aureate Blade” to “WTB Singing-/Aureate Blade + q8 Archaic Maul”. -
feel free to tag me if you see a seller
Bump, Finder's Fee added
April 22, 2023 at 6:55 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Singing-/Aureate Blade + q8 Archaic Maul” to “WTB Singing-/Aureate Blade”. -
Found the hammer, up
May 18, 2023 at 6:28 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTB Singing-/Aureate Blade” to “WTB q8 max inscr scythe + low q tac dual mod demonshield”. -
New items on the wishlist, let's see if anything is out there
Didn't know this scythe was so hard to find
Q8 Suntouched Scythe, purple. Pm me an offer If u got one in mind.
Demon shields there are few If you'd like to check. IGN: Empyrean Souljah
Still looking
Up, found some nice shields so far. Still looking for a scythe!
Any scythers out there?
Can't decyther whether this scythe actually exists