Emma's Trade Moderating Service
I'm back. As many of you know I have been absent for a long time as I had to deal with my health. I'm doing well and I'm finally back on GW. I hope I can help everyone to be safe with any trades they need help with. 
Warning: Scammer(s) impersonating me as a Trade Mod
In the last two days I had several people approach me, because they were either scammed or someone attempted to scam them with a fake "Emma". When you want to make a trade that involves me as a trade mod only contact me on Emma Pu Pu. If you're in doubt if it is really me, than add Emma Pu Pu to your friendslist. If it doesn't show online or the wrong name. Please ask "Emma" to come online on Emma Pu Pu. If they fail to do this. DO NOT TRADE, IT IS NOT ME. I WILL ALWAYS VERIFY MY IDENTITY IF I'M ASKED TO DO SO!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone,
Welcome to my new Service Thread solely dedicated to Trade Moderating.
Who am I:
- My name is Emma, 29 years old. I live in the Netherlands and have been playing Guild Wars for more then fifteen years. In game you can mostly find me working on GWAMM's on several characters, the occasional dungeon speed clear or hanging in Kamadan.
How to contact me:
- Leave a post in this thread.
- Send me a private message here.
- Send a message in game to me on: Emma Pu Pu. Add this to your friends list! If someone messages you with a similar name, check your friends list to see if it is one of my characters! Do not trust anyone else. This is the only account I will contact you on and the only account YOU should contact me on.
My activity:
- I live in the Netherlands (timezone GMT+1).
- I play almost daily.
- I check Guild Wars Legacy a couple of times a day.
Why use me as a Trade Mod:
I have been playing Guild Wars for over fifteen years now and for the last four years I've been active on the fora. My name is widely known among the community at this point (in a good manner I hope ). If you need a moderator quickly I can be reached easily and will try to respond as fast as possible. I have played this game as honest as possible. Unfortunately I have been scammed a couple of times with guild trades and I know other people have as well. So this is my attempt to give back to the honest side of the community, who want to stop scammers. By now I have moderated countless trades and I feel like my reputation as an honest Trade Moderator has been well established.
What will I moderate for you:
- Guild Trades.
- Guild Trim Sales.
- Pre <-> Post Trades.
- Any other sort of trade you feel like you need a moderator for.
I don't ask for any form of payment for this service. I do however accept tips, but these are in no way mandatory! Feedback is greatly appreciated and prefered over tips.
How does it work:
In general:
All trades work about the same: The buyer gives me the currency to pay for the trade/service. Then the item/service is traded/provided and I give the seller/service provider the currency. I will only use the following accounts to moderate: Emma Pu Pu to contact me on, Emma The Trade Mod to moderate with and Emma The Pre Mod to moderate in Pre-Searing. First Account: Emma Pu Pu. Second Account: Emma The Trade Mod and Emma The Pre Mod.
In depth:
Guild Trades:
First I will ask to invite my alt: Emma The Trade Mod to the guild so I can see when ownership has been transferred. The buyer will trade me the payment after which I will confirm I have the payment by showing this to the seller. Then the seller will designate the buyer as Guild Leader. When this is done all three of us will confirm the buyer is now the Guild Leader. Finally when all this is done I will give the payment to the seller and we all go on our merry ways.
Guild Trim Sales:
First I will ask for a screenshot including the rps, the character name you are using at that moment and the conversation from the seller so the buyer and I can confirm the seller has the needed rps to make the trim. The buyer will then trade me the payment after which I will confirm I have the payment by showing this to the seller. Then the buyer will designate the seller as Guild Leader and the seller will apply the trim to the guild. The seller now will designate the buyer as Guild Leader again and I will ask confirmation from both parties. If all this is done I will give the seller the payment and we can go our separate ways. -
Pre <-> Post Trades:
This trade works as follows: The seller trades me the item in Pre-Searing. I will show this too the buyer to confirm I have the item. Then the buyer and seller will trade in post. When the seller confirms to me via pm that he has the payment. I will give the item to the buyer in Pre-Searing.
Any other sort of trade you feel like you need a moderator for:
If you feel like a certain trade could benefit from a moderator, contact me and we can discuss the details.
Proof of previous trades:
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The buyer prefered to stay anonymous with this trade.
The seller prefered to remain anonymous.
One party preferred to remain anonymous.
Feedback: (as you can see there are a lot of mod edits, so if you wish to leave feedback: FIRST request my service, even if the trade is already done, THEN edit your post and leave feedback)
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Emma just moderated a Red Trim Service for me too! Thank you Emma
****mod edit----you must first REQUEST the service before you are allowed to leave feedback---this is a warning! Next time request the service before you leave any feedback....Please take the time to read our rules!!!---mod edit***
Sorry, I already asked for her service on facebook group, thanks to the referral of your board that my friend pointed out
Only then I registered here to leave a comment. Here is proof of the trade.
****mod edit---you could have just edited that last post...do not make new posts just to make comments please...and as this is not facebook, you will need to make the requests here as well before you leave feedback---mod edit***
Hey Emma I'm looking some assistance with an orange trimmed guild service. Thanks!Thanks for the help Emma and making this a smooth easy transaction!
Hey Emma, could I request a trade service for my gold trim?-> I made Emma GL per "buyers" request, however i mistakenly promoted the "buyer" to officer. He Started kicking members
When me and Emma realized she quickly kicked him from the guild and returned leadership to me<--Edit:I will definitely use Emma again for further trades!
Edit2: Sorry, should have edited my first post to say this, didn't know this wasn't allowed wont happen again
***mod edit---leave your feedback and comments in ONE post--no need to make extra posts...posts have been merged---mod edit***
Did a Trade with Emma as Moderator to get myself a lovely pink trim for my guild cape.
Service was exquisite and very well handled thanks for everything and ill make sure that if i need anything in the future i will come back.
Keep up the good work.Love,
Jinx Vs Dhuum (Tamara)
Hello Emma,first of all thank you for offering this service, it's amazing to see that after all these years there are still reliable players that just live for the spirit.
I would like to request your Trade Mod Service for a Kuunavang in Pre Searing. I'll pm you with the details.
Thank you very much in advance,
FoxyEDIT: Wow - that was fast. Thank you very much again Emma - it all went as smooth as possible!
Hey Emma,Imy would like for you to moderate a Gold Trimmed Guild purchase.
Edit: Imy told me to post that the trade went very smooth
Hey Emma,I would like you to moderate a trade for me. I'll give the details in game.
Edit: Fast reply and the trade went very smooth, thank you!
Hey Emma,I would like you to moderate a trade for me. I'll give the details in game.
IGN: These Things Happen
Edit: Thanks a lot Emma, really trustworthy!
hey, I need your help as a mod for a trim.PM me here or in gw (ign Yuki Shirakawa).
Everything went fine, I got my trim with Emma's help. Went very smooth. Thx!
Fast & Clean trade with Ronin & Emma (as mod)
***mod edit--will remind you that you can NOT leave feedback with our first posting requesting the service....otherwise this is considered a NON-BID--this is a warning---mod edit***
I'd like to use your service for an obsidian trim pleaseThanks Emma for the trade! Very fast and efficient service. Was easy to find an agreed upon time, even with my crazy hours
could use your trade mod service plsedit:
great service, thanks alot
Can you mod a pre trade for me?Thanks for the fast trade
I would like some help with a pre-to post trade pleaseYou know my IGN!
EDIT: All went smoothly, many thanks again!
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Hey, I need a trademod for selling my Presearing Kuunavang.
Would be great, if you could help out.My IGN is: Turear Nareiva
Thanks for the fast reply ingame and helping.
Went perfect!Thank you
Hey Emma I need a mod for a trim service between myself and Virtual Debil.Thanks again Emma for the trusted service! Everything went smoothly as always.
Could you please mod a pre/post trade for me?Thanks
Thankyou for the fast service and smooth trade.
Hi Emma, I need your help with buying a Gold TrimTrade completed, went smooth and fast, thank you very much!
Hi Emma, I need your help with buying a Gold TrimTrade completed, thank you very munch Emma
Heya Emma Humbly requesting your TM services for an Obsi Trim service with Gopnik Mcblyat please & thank you!
Awsome TY once again all went well as expected.
As I said not many I trust these days in this game except you Pleikki & Mia. ;-p
Hey, need help to moderate a guild tradeIGN : Virtual Bowjob
Thx, all went well.
need your service for a guild tradeedit: done, thanks
Hi Emma,Could you be trade mod for the sale of my guild.
Thank you
Edit: Sale went perfectly, guild transferred and money transferred without a hitch. Thank you Emma.
Hello, i would like to request your serviceas a trade modfor buying a trim for my guild
ing Tractor D R I V E R
Trade went really well and fast.
Thx for your excellent and fast service Emma 10/10
Requested your help today for a silver-trimming of a guild and it went perfectly, thanks!
****mod edit--you are reminded that you are only allowed to leave feedback IF you have already requested the service!! PLEASE take the time to read the Xunlai Market rules on services regarding this!!!----mod edit***
Good day Emma,
I would love to request your service for one of my transactions and have also sent you a message via pm.
Going to contact you ingame in a very bit.
Edit: Smoothest transaction ever, once again thank you so very much for being our TM, Emma. Definitely recommendable, 5*****!
Hi Emma,
I need your help to obby trim a guild
Can you help us ?
edit :
All went smoothly and Perfect !!
Thank you so much Emma !!
Need your service for Cape trim plz Emma
Edit : Woot Thank you so much Emma !! Smooth as usual !!
Hey can you facilitate a guild trim service for me please. IGN is in my sig; thank you. (I'm GMT+00 timezone; England)
Thanks for the service, everything went smoothly as expected; appreciate it.