Old thread, can be closed

  • Still offering this, but see my new thread for all running services

    Hey everyone!

    I'm offering a Nightfall campaign rush service starting from Consulate Docks. I can finish the campaign from there in 2 hours - 2 hours 15 minutes. It's handy if you want to get a character to DoA, unlock HM, get Primeval armor, and/or recruit Razah.

    This is not an AFK service. There will be times here and there where you can AFK, but for most of the rush you need to present to take quests and accept quest rewards. There's also one quest towards the start of the rush where you'll also need to follow the party around as we kill some enemies.

    The goal of this rush is to get to the end as fast as possible. My goal is not to get masters on every mission or unlock every single outpost (I skip Camp Hojanu, Pogahn Passage, Dajkah Inlet, Nundu Bay, Yahnur Market, Mihanu Township, Basalt Grotto, Dasha Vestibule, Lair of the Forgotten, Shadow Nexus, and Gate of Nightfallen Lands).

    The rush can be split into shorter parts if needed.

    If you want to start the rush from a point in the campaign after Consulate Docks, I can start there too. Or if you have a Proph/Factions character, I can start from the quest Securing Champion's Dawn.

    Currently charging 700e/account (or equivalent) for Consulate Docks to the end.

    I can run up to three accounts at once. I have to use more cons and it's more difficult the more accounts I take, so pay per account is still the same regardless of how many accounts I'm running.

    You can contact me here or in-game (IGN: Asdf Trash Runner).

    And to address some questions I've received: Yes, in this rush I complete every quest and mission from Consulate Docks to the end. No secret game-breaking shortcuts, sorry.

    Additionally, I offer an Istan rush for Nightfall characters. Chahbek Village -> Consulate Docks mission unlocked in under 90 minutes (maybe even under 75 minutes). Reach out for details.

    Also offering most other runs and missions in the game. Ask and I can probably do it.

  • Asdf Trash Runner June 18, 2024 at 12:02 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Nightfall Rush Service (Consulate Docks -> Abbadon Dead in ~2.5 hours)” to “Old thread, can be closed”.