Asdf Trash Runner's Services

  • Hey people, I'm Asdf Trash Runner, fastest trash you've ever seen. I run outposts and missions, and I'm always looking for new tactics to improve my times and get you where you want to be quicker.

    Here are all of the services I offer. Feel free to reach out in this thread, DM on GWLegacy, or DM in-game (if I don't respond in-game, I'm just AFK or distracted; message again later). I accept payment in ecto and armbraces, but may also take cons/pcons/summons instead.

    Knowing when a run will be finished is nice, so I've listed times for each. Some times are approximate, and others are the best times that I have recorded (and times I'm trying to beat).

    You can AFK for most services. For some services, you can AFK if you have Toolbox and have it set to automatically skip cinematics. If something you're interested in is not listed, feel free to ask. That said, I do not offer vanquish services.

    While I do offer the traditional runs and tours that other runners offer, I'm particularly interested in running Nightfall (see the NF Rush towards the bottom of this table). At this point I am able to get someone from Chabek Village to Consulate Docks in 1.75hr, and Consulate to Abbadon in 2.25hr (if everything goes perfectly of course). Would love to offer this service to more people and push the time even lower.



    Obsidian Armor Run9:5350e
    Ferry: Kamadan > Consulate Docks > Lion's Arch & Kaineng Center 25e
    Power leveling - please watch this video and read description beforehand:
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    Most NM Missions (price when running 1 account; lower price available for some missions; prices are negotiable for bulk orders) 40e
    Most HM Missions (price when running 1 account; lower price available for some missions; prices are negotiable for bulk orders) 70e
    Legendary Guardian with full Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall outpost unlock (starting from character creation; mostly AFK; Discord & GWToolbox required)~30hr175a


    Old Ascalon Tour20:3850e
    LA to/from Ascalon (includes Yak's Bend, Ice Tooth Cave, & Beacon's Perch)22:1350e
    LA to/from Ascalon (all outposts along the way)~45m100e
    Kryta Tour~20m50e
    LA to Sanctum Cay (includes Bergen Hot Sprints & ToA)11:2930e
    Maguuma Tour (LA to Henge of Denravi and all outposts along the way)~3075e


    Desert Tour (all desert outposts unlocked starting from Amnoon Oasis)16:5840e
    Desert Tour with 3 desert missions completed with bonuses~40100e
    LA to Amnoon (includes Bergen Hot Springs, ToA, Sanctum Cay, no Sanctum bonus) + Desert Tour~40m100e
    LA to Amnoon + Desert Tour with 3 desert missions completed with bonuses1:00:27200e


    LA to Drok's (includes Beacon's Perch & Camp Rankor)17:0040e
    Beacon's to Drok's (includes Camp Rankor)11:5830e
    Rankor to Granite Citadel (includes Deldrimor War Camp)5:2915e
    Rankor to Copperhammer Mines (includes Deldrimor War Camp & Granite Citadel)~8m20e
    Drok's to Marhan's~7m20e
    Southern Shiverpeaks Tour (all outposts starting from Beacon's Perch)~27m70e
    Iron Mines of Moladune infusion run (I can provide heroes, but I will leave once the cinematic is triggered)3:3510e


    Prophecies Tour (all outposts except Tomb of the Primeval Kings, Dragon's Lair, and Ring of Fire Islands)~2hr300e
    Prophecies Head Start: Ascalon > LA > 3 desert missions completed > Drok's > Copperhammer Mines (needed for attribute quest) > Kaineng > power level to 16 (Augury Rock will get you to level 20 if you're a Prophecies character) > assist with attribute quests after Augury Rock~2.25hr400e


    Kaineng > Kill Shiro (unlocks elite armor, HM, & PvE elites)46:14125e
    Kaineng to Leviathan Pits for elite armor36:3275e
    Kaineng to Vasburg Armory for elite armor45:56100e


    Kaineng to Aspenwood Gate (Luxon) for MQSC~20m50e
    Kaineng to Unwaking Waters (Kurzick) for MTSC~40m100e
    Kaineng to Eternal Grove for DTSC~50m125e


    Factions Tour (no Ran Musu Gardens, Vizunah Square (Local or Foreign), Dragon's Throat, Naphui Quarter, & Sunjiang District)~2hr300e
    Factions All Outposts (no AFK until Vizunah Local is unlocked)~2.75hr425e
    All PvP outposts unlocked (FA and JQ) starting from Kaineng~1h150e


    Ascend (unlock Vizunah Foreign > complete Vizunah > unlock Naphui > complete Naphui)~30m75e
    Unlock Vizunah Local (starting from Marketplace; includes Zen Daijun outpost unlock & mission completion which is required to access Vizunah)~15m50e


    Yohlon Haven to Bone Palace for elite armor~20m50e
    Yohlon Haven to Kodash for elite armor~20m50e


    "And A Hero Shall Lead Them" (quest immediately before Venta Cemetery) R6 Sunspear Farming Skip 25e
    Elona Mainland Tour (no Mouth of Torment & Realm of Torment; let me know if you're pursuing Survivor title)~1hr150e
    Yohlon Haven to Heroic Refrain (I will bring the Proof of Triumph & heroes; let me know if you're pursuing Survivor title)16:1340e
    Istan Rush (Chabek Village to Consulate Docks Mission Unlocked) - Brain AFKable (e.g. watching TV on the side)~1.75hr250e
    Nightfall Campaign Rush (Consulate Docks to Abbadon Dead, up to 3 accounts) - First 40 minutes AFK, remainder brain AFKable (e.g. watching TV on the side)~2.25hr750e/account


    EotN Tour (from EotN, Central Transfer Chamber NOT included)30:1075e
    Destruction Depths (unlocks Central Transfer Chamber for Chaos Gloves)~1550e/account
  • Asdf Trash Runner July 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Asdf Trash Runner's Running Services” to “Asdf Trash Runner's Services”.