Possible to chest run magmas shields with dervish?

  • Was wondering if anyone was able to make this work. I've been doing Hell's with A/R but it's really slow and the drop rate is low as it is. Prefer not to use pcons but would be willing to pop alc or maybe a cupcake if absolutely necessary. Thanks.

  • regular A/E running build always worked best for me, depending on your style/location u can use either heart of shadow or shadow of haste. I would recommend cupcakes for this run +maybe melee heros with running/support skills since its one of the harder runs. Its much harder to run this with Derv, its possible, but A/E is way easier and safer imo


    ign: Katze Kami

  • i would argue Dervish is alot better at this because you can keep 50% ms active and titans dont break even at 50% ms in HM and they will rip your stance away. So if you cant keep up the 50% ms you will most likely have a harder time, you just need a little more practice if you dont use a build with perma sf

  • I used to run it on ranger with fire insignia. It's the most beefed up runner. With storm chaser you can regenerate mana because it's all elementalattacks.

    Overall fastest should allways be Derv because of the perms 50% IMS. Derv also can have perma shadow form.

    I personally never liked A/E running because of the need to cast the glyph. I am more of a deadly paradox guy. And ranger and Derv can both do it pretty well cause of mana gain with their running skills.

    When I was able to chose I went for Derv cause its fast and rocks nearly cool as a necro.


    IGN: Mr Clean Value

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