Polar Bear | 250x GotT | q9 Magmas ...

  • #1 Polar Bear

    S/B 1a

    C/O --

    B/O 85a

    #2 Naga Raincaller

    B/O 160e/3a *B/O taken by Avenged*

    #3 250x Golden Zaishen Coins

    B/O 50a / 2500e *sold ig*

    #4 q9 Str inscr. Magmas Shield (+30 -5/20)

    S/B 75e

    C/O --

    B/O 100e

    #5 Tormented Shield Tactics

    B/O 48e

    #6 250x Gifts of the Traveler

    B/O 38a *sold ig*

    Reserve the right to sell ingame

    IGN: Jana Michiko

    Edited 3 times, last by Kira Mi (September 23, 2024 at 8:02 PM).

  • Kira Mi September 23, 2024 at 7:35 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Polar Bear | Naga Raincaller | Zaishen Coins | q9 Magmas ...” to “Polar Bear | 250x GotT | q9 Magmas ...”.