I need to both clean up my storage, and raise some funds. Most of these items will be up for sale soon. Here they are:
Req 8's...
A1: Air Wand, req 8, dmg 10-18, HCT Earth 20, HSR 10
A2: Fire Staff, req 8, 20/10 (core skin)
A3: Cane, req 8, en +5^50, HSR 10
A4: Deadly Cesta, req 8, en +5^50, HSR 10
s01: Amber Aegis, req 12 Tac, +45ws, -2ws
s02: Amber Aegis, req 9 Tac, +45 we, +10/earth
s03: Crude Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +10/charr
s04: Defender, req 9 Str, +30, -2ws
s05: Reinforced Buckler, req 9 Tac, Healing +1/20, +10/skeletons
s06: Shield of the Wing, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -2ws
s07: Shield of the Wing, req 9 Tac, +45 we, -5/20
s08: Shield of the Wing, req 9 Tac, -2ws, +10/lightning
s09: Tall Shield, req 10, +10/earth, -2ws
s10: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +30 hp, -3wh
s11: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +30, -2ws
s12: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, +45 we, -2 we
s13: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -2 ws, -10/earth
s14: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +10/ogres
s15: Tall Shield, req 9 Tac, -5/20, +45we
s16: Tower Shield, req 10 Str, +60/wh, +10/earth
s17: Tower Shield, req 9, -2ws, +60wh
s18: Wooden Buckler, req 9 Tac, +29, +10/slashing
s19: Celestial Shield, req 11 Str, +10/blunt, -3wh