Community Ascalon Arena for all!

  • Hello everyone,

    I have been thinking about coordinating this for quite some time. Years now, but never went through with it. I have decided to rally the troops!

    What I would like to get started is Ascalon Arena, and subsequently Shiverpeak Arena on baby accounts! I plan to decide on a time (maybe daily, maybe weekly) upon further feedback from interested parties. I think this would allow for a unique build creation platform due to no elites and very limited attribute points, so creativity is key! It only takes 30 minutes to an hour to have a character set up and ready to participate, you will just need an open character slot!

    The Rules:

    Ascalon Arena will be limited to:

    -Ascalon armor, to make the entry, and start-up of an account as easy as getting to Level 7

    -Any runes you deem fit, are allowed

    -Tomes are allowed, no skill restrictions on skills outside of non-prophecies professions

    -All types and variations of weaponry will be allowed

    We will level up as we play, so we will eventually move this to Shiverpeak Arena.

    Shiverpeak Arena will be limited to:

    -Max armor is now allowed

    -I would like to keep this fair for everyone, and easy for everyone to participate, so I will rule out attribute quests for now, unless everyone is interested in that

    -Still no Elites allowed in this arena, so again, creativity will be key!

    I want to keep this as low entry as possible to keep the fun and ease of joining accessible to all! I have had a lot of interest in this idea over the years when I have pitched it, so let's make Ascalon Arena packed!

    Lastly, I am in a Kurz guild I have recently started, and I am looking to rally people for various fun PvP events like this, as well as do OS PvE such as Sorrow's Furnace no heroes. If any of this interests you, let me know! I am also looking for Guild allies that are interested in this sort of content with an active player base. I am actively building my player base as well.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on this post, or in game. If you would like a Guild Invite as well, please do reach out! I look forward to seeing you all with your freshly created Ascalon Arena accounts next week!

    IGN: F O R A S C A L O N


    Edited 4 times, last by Arena (December 19, 2024 at 7:48 AM).